Versions Compared


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The networkconfiguration object allows for configuration of the network interfaces on the player. Each object instance corresponds to a single network interface (Ethernet, WiFi, or modem), which is specified using the type attribute.

This object only allows you to configure/retrieve settings related to the network interfaces on the device. For other network information, use the Node.js® OS module.

networkconfiguration IDL

Code Block
    Constructor(String ifName)
] interface NetworkInterface {
    attribute String type; // values: wifi, ethernet, modem
    NetworkInterfaceConfig defaultConfig();
    Promise<NetworkInterfaceConfig> getConfig(NetworkInterfaceConfigRequestParams params[optional]); // Promise will be resolved as WifiInterfaceConfig, ModemInterfaceConfig, EthernetInterfaceConfig
    Promise<void> applyConfig(NetworkInterfaceConfig config);
    [type == "ethernet"] Promise<LLDPNeighborInformation> getNeighborInformation();
    [type == "ethernet"] Promise<void> enableLeds();
    [type == "wifi"] Promise<WifiAccessPointList> scan();
    [type == "wifi"] Promise<void> reassociate();

interface WifiAccessPointList {
    attribute String essId;
    attribute String bssId;
    attribute long signal;

interface LLDPNeighborInformation {
    // information is directly converted from LLDP. Fields are defined deep down there.

interface NetworkInterfaceConfig {
    attribute long metric;
    [optional = CONFIG_DHCP_SERVER] attribute DHCPServerConfig dhcpServerConfig;
    attribute Array<String> dnsServerList;
    attribute IPAddressList ipAddressList;
    attribute long inboundShaperRate;
    attribute long mtu;
    [optional = CONFIG_VLAN] attribute Array<int> vlanIdList;
    attribute String clientIdentifier;
    attribute String domain;
	attribute Array<String> enabledProtocolList;

[optional = CONFIG_DIALUP] interface DialUpInterfaceConfig : public NetworkInterfaceConfig {
    attribute String user;
    attribute String password;
    attribute String number;
    attribute String initString;

interface DHCPServerConfig {
    attribute String start;
    attribute String end;

interface IPAddress {
    attribute String family;
    attribute String address;
    attribute String netmask;
    attribute String gateway;
    attribute String broadcast;

interface EthernetInterfaceConfig : public NetworkInterfaceConfig {
    attribute String securityMode;
    attribute String identity;
    attribute String eapTlsOptions;
    attribute String caCertificates;
    attribute String clientCertificate;
    attribute String privateKey;

interface WifiInterfaceConfig : public NetworkInterfaceConfig{
    attribute String essId;
    attribute String passphrase;
    attribute String obfuscatedPassphrase;
    attribute String securityMode;
    attribute String identity;
    attribute String eapTlsOptions;
    attribute String caCertificates;
    attribute String clientCertificate;
    attribute String privateKey;
    attribute String frequencies;
    [optional = CONFIG_WIFI_AP] attribute bool accessPointMode;
    [optional = CONFIG_WIFI_AP] attribute long accessPointFrequency;
    [optional = CONFIG_WIFI_AP] attribute bool accessPointHidden;



Table of Contents

Object Creation

To create a networkconfiguration object, first load the brightsign/networkconfiguration module using the require() method. Then create an instance of the networkconfiguration class using a string value that indicates the network interface associated with the instance.

Code Block
var NetworkConfigClass = require("@brightsign/networkconfiguration");
var networkConfigEth = new NetworkConfigClass("eth0");     


Use this interface to configure a network interface on the player. 

  • type String: The network interface type, which can be one of the following:

    • "ethernet": An Ethernet port on the BrightSign player

    • "wifi": The internal WiFi

    • "modem": A connected modem



The network interface can be configured as a VLAN using the following string format: "[parent_interface].[vlan_id]" (e.g "eth0.42"). Once the VLAN interface(s) are configured, they must be enabled on the parent network interface (e.g. "eth0") by including them in the vlanIdList of the parent interface. VLAN interfaces use DHCP by default. They are supported on Series 4 (XTx44, XDx34, HDx24, LS424) and Series 3 (XTx43, XDx33, HDx23, LS423, HO523) players only.

Code Block
Promise<NetworkInterfaceConfig> getConfig(NetworkInterfaceConfigRequestParams params[optional])

Returns configuration settings for the network interface. Depending on the specified type, this method will return an EthernetInterfaceConfigWiFiInterfaceConfig, or ModemInterfaceConfig interface.  If there is a set password, getConfig() will return true for the password parameter. If there isn't a set password, getConfig() will return false for the password parameter.

Note that this class concerns itself with the player's persistent network configuration. If you wish to determine the current settings (for example the IP address that has been retrieved via DHCP) then use the Node.js® OS module.

Code Block
Promise<void> applyConfig(NetworkInterfaceConfig config)

Configures the network interface using the parameters in the passed NetworkInterfaceConfig object. This method returns void upon success. 

To reset a network-interface setting to its default value, pass the NetworkInterfaceConfig object without the corresponding attribute.

The config parameter should contain the complete desired configuration. Any previous configuration is overwritten. If you wish to change one item while keeping the rest of the configuration the same then first call getConfig and modify the returned object (see the example in the Examples section).

Code Block
Promise<LLDPNeighborInformation> getNeighborInformation()

Returns LLDP information related to the network, or null. This method is available with the ethernet interface only.

Code Block
Promise<void> enableLeds()

Enables or disables the ethernet activity LEDs (that is, flashing during link and activity behavior). Ethernet LEDs are enabled by default. Changes to this setting do not persist across reboots. This method is available with the ethernet interface only.

Code Block
Promise<WifiAccessPointList> scan()

Scans for WiFi access points are returns a list of detected access points. This method is available with the WiFi interface only.

Code Block
Promise<void> reassociate()

Attempts to disconnect and reconnect to the currently-configured WiFi network asynchronously. This should not normally be necessary, but could be useful when diagnosing network problems. If successful, the returned promise will be resolved. If unsuccessful, the returned promise will be rejected with error information.

This method is present in BOS 8.4.20 and above, BOS 8.5.26 and above, and in all BOS 9.0 versions.


This interface represents the results of a scan for wireless networks. Each entry in the list contains the following parameters:

  • essID Stringthe WiFi ESSId network name

  • bssID String:   the BSSId of the access point

  • signal long: The received signal strength. The absolute value of this attribute is usually not relevant, but it can be compared with the reported value on other networks or in different locations.


This interface contains location information received from the network infrastructure using the LLDP-MED protocol.


  • [bool] includeEncryptedSecrets: If set to true, encrypted secrets are included, if set to false they are not.


This interface contains settings related to a network interface.

  • metric long: The routing metric for the default gateway on the interface. Routes with lower metrics are preferred over routes with higher metrics. If not specified the metric will be set to ensure that interfaces are preferred consistently for a given configuration.

  • dhcpServerConfig DHCPServerConfig:  A DHCPServerConfig interface that specifies the DHCP server configuration for the interface. The DHCP server can be disabled by setting this attribute to a null value when calling applyConfig().

  • dnsServerList Array<String>: A string list containing a maximum of three DNS servers. Each string should contain the dotted-quad IP address of a DNS server. 

  • ipAddressList Array<IPAddress>An array containing zero or one static IPv4 address configurations. Players do not currently support more than one IPv4 address per interface or static configuration of IPv6 addresses. If the array is empty then IP addresses will be assigned using DHCP.

  • inboundShaperRate long: The bandwidth limit for inbound traffic in bits per second. If undefined, there is no bandwidth limit.

  • mtu long: The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the network interface in bytes. If not specified an appropriate mtu value will be chosen automatically.

  • vlanIdList Array<unsigned short>A list of VLAN IDs that this network interface is the parent for.

  • clientIdentifier String: The DHCP client identifier for the network interface

  • domain String: The domain name for the network interface

  • enabledProtocolList Array<String>: An optional array containing the set of enabled IP protocols. The default value is [IPv4, IPv6].


This interface contains attributes related to the modem interface:

  • user String:  The username that has been entered: some operators will require the username, others will not.

  • password  String: The password that has been entered: some operators will require the password, others will not.

  • number String: The "start connection" command, which previously dialed a number. Now, number is almost always "*99#". 

  • initString String:  The general modem setup string, which varies between operators. 


This interface contains settings related to the DHCP server on the WiFi access point. This interface is only applicable if the player is using WiFi access-point mode (see accessPointMode in networkconfiguration#WiFiInterfaceConfig, below).

  • start String: The beginning of the range of offered IP addresses

  • end String: The end of the range of offered IP addresses

  • gateway String optional:  IPv4 address of the gateway to be used by clients.

  • dnsServerList Array<String> optional: An array of strings containing the IPv4 addresses of name servers (IPv6 addresses are not currently supported)

  • domain String optional: The domain suffix to be used by clients


This interface represents an IP address configuration.

  • family String: The IP configuration (must be set to IPv4).

  • address String: The IP4 address. This a string dotted decimal quad, for example "".

  • netmask String: The IP4 netmask. This a string dotted decimal quad, for example "".

  • gateway StringThe IP4 interface configuration. This a string dotted decimal quad, for example "".

  • broadcast String: The IP4 broadcast address. This a string dotted decimal quad, for example "".


  • securityMode String:  Sets the encryption method.

  • identity String: The RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) identity. If this value is blank, it will be taken from the specified client certificate ("subjectAltName" will be used if present; otherwise, the "commonName" is used).

  • eapTlsOptions String: A string containing EAP-specific options

  • caCertificates String: The contents of a CA certificate file in text form (that is, a "pem" file)

  • clientCertificate String: The contents of a client certificate file in text form (that is, a "pem" file)

  • privateKey String: The private key for authentication


This interface contains attributes related to the WiFi interface:

  • essId String: The ESSID of the wireless network

  • passphrase String: The plain-text passphrase/key for the wireless network

  • obfuscatedPassphrase String optional: The passphrase/key for the wireless network that has been obfuscated using a shared secret. Contact  to learn more about generating a key for obfuscation and storing it on the player.

The following attributes relate to WPA Enterprise support:

  • securityMode String: Sets the WiFi encryption method. By default, both WPA (TKIP) and WPA2 (CCMP) encryption are permitted. This method accepts a space-separated, case-insensitive list that can include either "tkip" or "ccmp" values. Passing an empty string sets the default mode. If both CCMP and TKIP are allowed, CCMP always has priority.

  • identity String: The RADIUS identity. If this value is blank, it will be taken from the specified client certificate ("subjectAltName" will be used if present; otherwise, the "commonName" is used).

  • eapTlsOptions String: A string that contains EAP-specific options. Currently, this string can be used to enable or disable MD5 support ("md5=enable" or "md5=disable").

  • caCertificates String: The contents of a CA certificate file in text form (i.e. a "pem" file). Certificates can also be sent from an EAP peer.

  • clientCertificate String: The contents of a client certificate in text form (i.e. a "pem" file)

  • privateKey String: The private key for authentication. If the private key is password protected, use the passphrase/obfuscatedPassphrase attribute to set the password. If the client certificate and associated private key are in the same PKCS#12 file, the file contents should be specified in the privateKey field and the clientCertificate field should be left blank.

  • frequencies String:  Gets the WiFi frequencies list

  • accessPointMode bool optional: A Boolean flag specifying whether WiFi access-point mode is enabled or disabled. The ESSID and passphrase of the WiFi access point is set with the essId and passphrase/obfuscatedPassphrase attributes. If a passphrase has been set, the wireless access point will use WPA2 authentication–otherwise, it will use no authentication.

  • accessPointFrequency long optional:  The frequency of the WiFi access point (in MHz)

  • accessPointHidden bool optional: A Boolean flag that specifies if hidden is true, the SSID is hidden, if false it is visible. The default is non-hidden, which was the previous behavior.


Code Block
var networkConfigClass = require("@brightsign/networkconfiguration");
var nc = new networkConfigClass("Ethernet");

        function(data) {
            console.log("***General Interface Data***");
        function(data) {

The following code applies a static IP address to the ethernet interface. If a static IP address is not provided, it configures the interface for DHCP instead:

Code Block
function main() {

  var networkConfig = {
    broadcast: ""
  var networkConfigClass = require("@brightsign/networkconfiguration");
  var networkConfigEthernet = new networkConfigClass("eth0");
  var networkConfig = {};
      function(data) {
        console.log("=== Current config: " + JSON.stringify(data));
        networkConfig = data;
        if (networkConfig.dnsServers) {
          networkConfig.dnsServerList = networkConfig.dnsServers;
        if (networkConfig.ipAddress) {
          // Use static IP address.
          var ipAddress = {
            family: "IPv4",
            address: networkConfig.ipAddress,
            netmask: networkConfig.subnetMask, 
            gateway: networkConfig.defaultGateway, 
            broadcast: networkConfig.broadcast,
          networkConfig.ipAddressList = [ipAddress];
        else {
          // Use DHCP to obtain dynamic IP address.
          networkConfig.ipAddressList = [];
        console.log("=== Applying config: " + JSON.stringify(networkConfig));
            function () {
              console.log("=== Success");
            function(err) {
        function(err) {
window.main = main;

The following code restricts IP version support to IPv4 only:

Code Block
var networkConfigClass = require("@brightsign/networkconfiguration");
var networkConfigEthernet = new networkConfigClass("eth0");
        function(data) {
            networkConfig = {}
            networkConfig.enabledProtocolList = ["IPv4"];
                    function() {
                    function(err) {
        function(err) {

To change one item while keeping the rest of the configuration the same, call getConfig and modify the returned object:

Code Block
  var NetworkConfiguration = require('@brightsign/networkconfiguration');
  var address = {
    broadcast: ""
  var networkConfig = new NetworkConfiguration("eth0");
  .then(function(config) {
    var ipAddress = {
      family: "IPv4",
      address: address.ipAddress,
      netmask: address.subnetMask,
      gateway: address.defaultGateway,
      broadcast: address.broadcast,
    config.ipAddressList = [ipAddress];
  .then(function() {
  .catch(function(error) {