- Port: Select a serial port to configure. Most standard serial devices enumerate on port 0 (on the HO523, they will enumerate on port 1). If you are connecting a USB-serial device (such as a GPS receiver), it will enumerate on port 2.
- GPS Receiver: Check this box if the port is being used to connect a USB-serial GPS device to the player.
- Baud rate: Set the baud rate for serial communications on the port.
- Data bits: Set the number of data bits.
- Parity: Set the parity.
- Stop bits: Select the number of stop bits.
- Protocol: Determine whether the serial data is formatted as Binary or ASCII.
- Send EOL: Select the end-of-line character when sending data to a serial device.
- Receive EOL. Select the end-of-line character when receiving data from a serial device.
- Invert Signals: Check this box to invert the TX/RX signal levels on the serial port. This allows the player to communicate with devices that use -12V to 12V signaling. Inversion is supported on the DE9 the DE-9 (more commonly referred to as DB-9) and USB ports only.
Use this section to configure UDP communications:
Check the Enable enhanced synchronization box to use a player synchronization scheme similar to the BrightWall™ feature. When this feature is enabled, interactive presentations using Synchronize events can be easily linked by a masterleader/slave follower scheme: The presentation sending a Synchronize command acts as the leader/master, while the presentation(s) using Synchronize events act as followers/slaves. Synchronize events associated with slave follower presentations will trigger within a few milliseconds of the Synchronize command associated with the master leader presentation.
- Master: Select this option to have the presentation send Synchronize commands. A master presentation cannot contain Synchronize events (i.e. you cannot chain one master presentation to another).
- Slave: Select this option to have the presentation receive Synchronize commands (via Synchronize events).
- Domain: Enter a domain number between 0 and 127. This number needs to be unique for each set of master/slave presentations on the local network. This will ensure that multiple groups of synchronized presentations can operate on the same local network without synchronization messages interfering with each other.