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SetLineEventPort(port As Object) As Void
Sets the message port that roStreamLineEvent events will be posted to.
SetByteEventPort(port As Object) As Void
Sets the message port that roStreamByteEvent events will be posted to.
SetByteArrayEventPort(port As Object) As Void
This method works like SetByteEventPort but causes roStreamByteArrayEvent messages like SetByteEventPort but causes roStreamByteArrayEvent messages to be posted to the message port when data is received. For some object types (e.g. roTCPStreamfor example, roTCPStream), this can be much more efficient since data no longer needs to be delivered to BrightScript a byte at a time, but since serial ports are comparatively slow it's possible that each event will still contain only a single character.
SetReceiveEol(eol_sequence As String)
Sets the EOL sequence to detect when receiving the stream. The default value is CR (ASCII value 13). sequence that will signify the end of line and cause a roStreamLineEvent to be delivered to the message port set by SetLineEventPort. If you need to set this value to a non-printing character, use the use the chr()
global function or an roByteArray. If the sequence contains NUL bytes it must be passed as an roByteArray since strings may not contain NUL bytes.
To use a NUL byte as a line terminator:
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eol = CreateObject("roByteArray") eol.Push(0) mp = CreateObject("roMessagePort") client = CreateObject("roSerialPort", 0, 115200) client.SetReceiveEol(eol) client.SetLineEventPort(mp) |
SetMatcher(matcher As Object) As Boolean