Current Log Folder: The currentLog folder—located on the player storage—contains the system log, which includes information about attempts to reach the BSN content handler to download files.
DWS Log Tab: The Log tab on the Diagnostic Web Server should provide connectivity information if the player can’t reach BSN.
DWS Network Diagnostics: The Diagnostics tab on the Diagnostic Web Server features the Network Diagnostics can be used to confirm general Internet connectivity, though it cannot confirm BSN connectivity.
DWS Network Capture: The Diagnostics tab has a Network Capture feature, which provides more details about network operations.
DWS Download Speed Test: Use the Download Speed Test (located on the Diagnostics tab) to test the following URL: https://services.brightsignnetwork.com//Recovery/recovery_runsetup_ba.brs. This will determine if the player can communicate with BSN via HTTPS.
Device Setup: When performing Device Setup on the player, you can navigate to port 2999 on the player IP address and access the Console tab, which may contain errors that describe the point at which Device Setup is failing.