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Comment: Updated to reflect new UI in BAcon 1.37.1






titleTable of Contents


Table of Contents

Network Tab


The Network tab was updated in BrightAuthor:connected version 1.37.1. Documentation for the older version of the Network tab is still available here.

The Network tab allows you to monitor players on your network and modify them using the Remote DWS. 


You must have a account to access the Network Tab, and remote DWS and Player Group features are not available in Control Cloud. If you are not sure which type of network you are on, your network is part of the Content Cloud if the Content tab


1. Hierarchy: Use the dropdown menu to switch between viewing all players on your network (All Players) and viewing players according to their group (Player Group). Use the checkboxes to select which groups you wish to view. The ordering of the groups in the Player List depends on the order that the checkboxes were selected. Check the All Groups box to automatically view all players on your network.


is not greyed out. Otherwise your network is a Control Cloud network.


Table of Contents
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Hierarchy allows you to switch between All Players and Player Group.

All Players

This is the default setting for Hierarchy. It allows you to view all of the players on your network independent of what group they are in.

Player Group

This setting allows you to view players according to their group. Players that are not in are in the Default group and cannot be moved outside of that group.

Use the check boxes to select the group you want to view, or select All Groups to view all players on your network. The groups are listed in the order in which they were selected.

There are two sorting options for groups:

  • Use the arrow icon to toggle between ascending and descending order.

  • Use the drop down menu to switch between sorting by group Name and player Count


  • .

2. Add Group (Content Cloud Users Only): Click the Image Removedbutton to add a group to your BSN Content Cloud network. This option is only available when the Hierarchy option is set to Player Group (see item 1, above).

3. Delete Players: Use this option to delete or disable players on your network (you must select one or more players in the Player List before using this option):


Player List

Header Features

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  1. Expand All and Collapse All let you open or close all of the groups in the Player List.

  2. Disable Player(s)


  1. moves a player or players to the Disabled Players group.


  1. Players in this group will display a message indicating that the player is disabled.


  1. Select the plus icon to add a group to your Content Cloud network. This feature is only available for Content Cloud users and is only visible when Hierarchy is set to Player Group.

  2. Select the three gear icon to select the player information columns to display in the Player List.


  1. Select the funnel icon to create custom filters to view only selected players. See Working with Filters, below.

  2. Select the download icon to download a CSV file of the current Player List


6. Refresh: Click the Image Removed icon to refresh the contents of the Player List.

7. View Players: Click theImage Removedicon next to a group name to view players that are part of that group. Each player has a status icon, as shown at right. As of BrightAuthor:connected version 1.6.16, the following features are available:

  • To view only players with a certain status, select the color icon of the players you don't want to see next to each player group name (for example, the solid color icons next to All Players (2) in Image 2, below). The icon will become grey and the player will disappear from the list. For example, if you want to see only healthy players, select the yellow, red, and grey icons and then only players with the green/healthy status will be visible in the list. To revert, simply select the icons again and the hidden players will reappear. 

  • To order players by status, toggle the arrow at the top of the status list, as shown in Image 2, below. 

  • If the player ID is in red bold italic text, that player is missing or has an expired subscription. A new player that doesn’t have an available subscription would also display this way.

  • Image Removed Healthy: The player has checked in less than 5 minutes ago.

  • Image Removed Connection Lost: The player has not checked in for 5 to 15 minutes.

  • Image Removed Inactive: The player has not checked in for 15 or more minutes. There can be several reasons for an inactive player; please see this FAQ for a full list of causes.

  • Image Removed Disconnected: The player has no subscription, or its subscription has expired (BSN Content Cloud networks only).


8. Presentation (Content Cloud Users Only): The currently scheduled presentation on the player (BSN Content Cloud networks only).

9. Clear all Filters: Clear any sort/filter parameters (see "14. Sort/Filter", below)

10. Group Properties: Click the Image Removed icon of a group to view its Group Properties.


  1. . If a filter is applied, only the filtered players will be in the CSV. If no filter is applied, all players will be included in the file.

  2. Select the refresh icon to update the list.

All Players” Features

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  1. The tag icon is displayed if a player has a tag. Select the icon to see the tag name and value.

  2. The single gear icon takes you to the Remote DWS.

  3. The columns (Status, Player ID, Player Name, Model, etc.) display player information. To note:

    1. Players can be sorted in ascending/descending order by selecting the column name and then selecting the up/down arrow that appears.

    2. Information (for example, IP Address) can be copied and pasted from these columns.

    3. Hover over the Healthy, Idle, or Inactive buttons to get more information about how long the player has been in the Status column

  4. Select the trashcan icon to delete the player from your network.

    • Players in the deleted group that were set up with will be moved to the Unassigned group.

    • Players in the deleted group that were set up with a setup


    • will be moved to the


    • Device Control


    • group. 

12. Toggle Player View: Switch between viewing the players in a list and viewing players as part of a map. 

13. View Remote DWS: Click the Image Removed icon of a player to view its Remote DWS. The player must be connected to the internet to use this feature.

14. Delete Player: Click the Image Removed icon of a player to delete it from your network. 

15. Sort/Filter: The dash/up/down arrow next to the category name lets you sort the items in the category, while the funnel icon lets you filter the category. For example, select the funnel icon and Apply to filter by Timestamp, as shown in Image 3, below.


Moving Players

To move a player between groups, drag and drop the player from its current group to the target new group. Note that this is only available in the Content Cloud.


Click theImage Removed icon of a group to view and edit its properties:


Group Name: The name of the group


“Player Group” Features

The player information is the same as the player information that appears when Hierarchy is set to All Players. However, there is some additional functionality when Player Group is selected.

Group Headers

  1. The number of players and their status color is displayed next to the group name.

  2. Select the gear icon to view the Group Name and edit:

    • Serial Debugging: Enables serial debugging for players in the group


    • . This will output presentation-level log information (such as media playback, event information, and other presentation-specific data) to the serial port


    • as well as over Telnet and SSH if these features are enabled


    • .

    • System Log


    • Debugging: Enables system log debugging for players in the group


    • . The player will output system log information to the Log


    •  tab in the Diagnostic Web Server (or the


    • Serial/


    • Telnet/


    • SSH ports if these are enabled via the Serial Debugging option).

  1. Select the map icon toggle between a list view or a map view of the players.

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Moving a Player or Players to Another Group

To move a single player to a different group, select the move icon (on the far left as shown in the image below)


View Schedule: View and edit the schedule assigned to the group.


in the Player List and drag it to the correct group.

To move a group of players to another group, select the player check boxes and then select the move icon (on the far left as shown in the image below) to drag them to the correct group.

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All player Properties controls will be disabled if Property Lock is on. See  for more information.


Select a player to view and edit its


properties. These properties can be copy/pasted elsewhere.

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  • Player Name: The player name, which is designated during the player setup process

  • Player ID: The serial number of the player

  • Model: The model number of the player

  • Setup Type: The setup type of the player

  • Current Presentation: The name of the presentation that is currently running on the selected player

  • Description: The player description, which can be edited with the provided field


  • Target Group:


  • This pull down menu lets you change the group assignment for the selected player.

  • Time Zone: Change the configured time zone on the player

  • BrightSign OS Version: The current OS version installed on the player

  • Autorun Version (Standard): The current autorun version of the BrightAuthor:connected presentation assigned to the player

  • Remote Snapshot: Enable or disable Remote


  • Screenshots on the player. You can view snapshots on the Remote Diagnostic Web Server.

  • Subscription Type: The type of subscription assigned to the player

  • Subscription Status: The current status of the subscription assigned to the player

Player Configuration

  • Enable Diagnostic Web Server: Enable or disable the local Diagnostic Web Server.

    • Server Authentication (Optional)/Password: Specify a password for the local Diagnostic Web Server.

  • Limit


  • content downloads:  Check this box to restrict player content downloads to a certain time of day. This is useful if you want to limit network traffic during peak hours. This option is not available on Standalone and Local


  • Network setups, because it is not applicable for those configurations.

    • Start of Range: The beginning of the time frame during which content downloads can occur.

    • End of Range: The end of the time frame during which content downloads can occur.


  • Enable


  • playback logging: Record playback start and end times, zone names, media types, and file names.

  • Enable


  • event logging: Record timestamps, state names, zone names, event types, and event data.

  • Enable


  • diagnostic logging:Record timestamps, firmware and script versions, and the current presentation.

  • Enable


  • state logging: Record current and last state names, timestamps, and media types.

  • Enable


  • variable logging: Record the current and default values of all User Variables in the presentation.

Network Settings


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Select Save to validate and apply the changes made in Network Settings or Reset to reset to the current settings.

  • Interface Priority: Interactive settings that allow you to prioritize


  • Ethernet, WiFi, cellular, virtual, or other networks. The BrightSign player will always attempt to download and upload data for any particular data type using the first interface (at the top of the list) and will only use the next option if the first is unavailable, and so on to the bottom of the list.

  • Data Types Enable: Use these


  • check boxes to determine the data types that can be transferred using the selected interface:

    • Content (download videos, images, and audio)

    • Text Feeds (download tickers and live text)

    • Media Feeds (download media RSS, dynamic playlists)

    • Health (upload the health status of the player)

    • Log Uploads (upload logs)

  • Connection Settings: Specify advanced settings for the wired and/or wireless connection. If DHCP Enabled is selected, the player will obtain its IP address using DHCP. Otherwise you will need to enter the required parameters in these fields:

    • IP Address: Enter the player IP address

    • Subnet Mask: Enter the subnet mask

    • Default Gateway: Enter the default gateway

    • DNS1: Enter an IPv4 or IPv6 address in CIDR notation

    • DNS2: Enter an IPv4 or IPv6 address in CIDR notation (optional)

    • DNS3: Enter an IPv4 or IPv6 address in CIDR notation (optional)

  • Rate Limit Network Download Traffic: Set rate limitations for downloading content. You can also set rate limitations for During content download window (the "content download window" is specified during the Player Setup


  • process)


  • and During initial downloads.

    • Outside Content Download Window

      • Unlimited Download Rate: Sets no limit on downloads.

      • Default limit: Sets the default limit (2000 Kbps) on downloads.

      • Specify limit: Sets a customized limit. Enter a limit in the text field (in Kbps).

    • During Content Download Window

      • Unlimited Download Rate: Sets no limit on downloads.

      • Default limit: Sets the default limit (2000 Kbps) on downloads.

      • Specify limit: Sets a customized limit. Enter a limit in the text field (in Kbps).

    • During Initial Downloads

      • Unlimited Download Rate: Sets no limit on downloads.

      • Default limit: Sets the default limit (2000 Kbps) on downloads.

      • Specify limit: Sets a customized limit. Enter a limit in the text field (in Kbps).

  • Network Authentication: Use this section to configure the player for WPA Enterprise authentication.

    • Enable 802.1X Authentication / Enable WPA Enterprise Authentication: Check this box to enable authentication via 802.1x (for wired) or WPA Enterprise Authentication (for wireless).

    • Choose Network Authentication Variant:


    • Select one of the following:

      • EAP-TLS: This authentication variant requires a client certificate and private key, which can be provided with one of the following certificate types:

        • PKCS#12: The client certificate and private key are both provided in a single PKCS#12 formatted file (usually with a .p12 file extension).


        • Select the first Browse button to locate the certificate file.

        • X.509 PEM/DER: The client certificate is provided as a X.509 certificate (using PEM or DER encoding), and the key is encoded separately. Use the


        • first Browse button to locate the X.509 certificate and the


        • second Browse button to locate the PEM/DER key.

        If you are using PKCS#12 or X.509, you can protect the client certificate using an optional passphrase in the Enter passphrase field.

      • PEAP/MSCHAPv2: This authentication variant requires a Username (i.e. identity) and Passphrase. For this method to work, the server must be configured to accept a username/password scheme instead of a client certificate.

    • Select Browse to add a CA Certificate: This should be the root CA certificate for the CA which signed the authentication server certificate. If omitted, the server certificate will not be validated.


  • GPS Coordinates: Specify the location of the player as a set of Latitude and Longitude coordinates.

  • Address: Specify the location of the player using its CityState / Prov., and Country.

Cell modem locations may not be accurate due to issues with the processing of cell tower information.


The Downloads section allows you to monitor the player synchronization process. Here you can view the progress of individual file transfers.


Select Image Added Refresh


 to update the status of the file transfers.

Error Logs

The Error Logs section provides detailed information about the last five reported errors. If the player is operating normally, the error list will be blank.


Select Image Added Refresh


 to update the error list.


Creating a Filter

Select the funnel icon in the header of the Player List to create a filter. In the pop-up that appears:

  1. Select the plus icon to add a filter

  2. Use the default category name (model, setup type, etc.) or select the arrow to pick a different category to add to the filter and add a value to create the filter.

  3. If you want to add additional filter parameters, select the plus icon again to add another category and value. Repeat as needed.

  4. Select Apply when you are done. Each component of the filter is displayed individually in the group header. See the image below which displays the results of a filter which selects for Player Description, Setup Type, and Model.

Removing a Filter

To clear all filters, select Clear all filters on the right side of the group header.

To remove individual components of a filter, select the X next to the component name. For example, in the image below, the HD1025 group filters for Player Description, Setup Type, and Model, while the Player 1 group only filters for Player Description and Setup Type.

Additional Information

Mousing over the filter name will display the filter value information.

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