This chapter outlines the account customization features available to you in the Account section. To access this section, click the Account button in the top-right corner of the page.
The Settings page allows you to view your account info, reset your password, set Email notification preferences, and enable/disable advanced security settings
View the name of the BrightSign Network account and the name of your user account ID. You can also view your assigned role, which affects your editing, viewing, and creation privileges. Your role can be changed only by account administrators. Use the Startup Page menu to choose which page you would like to see first when you log in.
Use this section to reset your user account password. Enter your current password, then enter and confirm your new password, which will shortly be sent to your Email address (which is the same as your User ID).
Use this section to determine which types of notification Email you wish to receive. The notifications you can choose to receive will depend on your user permissions (contact your account administrator for more information).
In addition to the Account is going to be suspended and Account is suspended Emails, there are other cases you cannot enable or disable that, depending on your user account role, will result in a notification Email:
- User account created: If you created the account, you will receive the account credentials.
- Account name changed
- Account Email changed
- Account password changed
- Application error
- New version of BrightAuthor is available
Use the dropdown menus to specify the behavior of each subscription notification:
- Disabled: A notification will never be sent.
- Single Only: A notification will be sent only when a single subscription is affected.
- Multiple Only: A notification will be sent only when multiple subscriptions are affected.
- Always: A notification will be sent when either single or multiple subscriptions are affected.
Use the dropdown menus to specify the behavior of each device status notification:
- Disabled: A notification will never be sent.
- Single Only: A notification will be sent only when a single player is affected.
- Multiple Only: A notification will be sent only when multiple players are affected.
- Always: A notification will be sent when either single or multiple subscriptions are affected.
Advanced (Administrators only)
- Show Advanced Security Settings: Check this box if you would like to view permissions settings in the WebUI. Any item that has a Properties window will now have a Security tab that allows you to review permissions for different user roles.
- Enable Custom Roles Management: Check this box if you would like to create and edit custom roles in the Users and Roles and Permissions tabs.
- Allow Automatic Changes To Tagged Playlists: Check this box to allow automated changes to Tagged Playlists when changes are made to media tags. When this box is unchecked, changing media tags will not automatically add or remove media from a Tagged Playlist: A user with the "Update Tagged Playlist" permission (Administrators, Creators, General Managers) will need to manually approve changes to a Tagged Playlist.
The Show Advanced Security Settings and Enable Custom Roles Management options allow you to create custom roles and edit object permissions. See the BSN Roles and Permissions Guide page for more details. |
Add Subscriptions (Administrators only)
Enter a Subscription Code into the field and click Submit to add a subscription to your account.
General Managers
Use this page to view and export subscription and traffic invoices.
The invoices are listed in reverse chronological order: The most recent invoices will be listed at the top. The table describes the following information:
- I.N.: The invoice number
- Subscriptions: The amount of subscriptions within the invoice
- Creation Date: The date the invoice was created
- Payment Date: The date the invoice was paid. If the invoice has not been paid yet, this field will be blank.
- Amount: The amount charged for the invoice
- Status: The payment or non-payment status of the invoice
These invoices represent charges for the amount of data players have downloaded from the BrightSign Network. The table describes the following information:
- Date: The date when the invoice was created. Click on the date to learn more about the traffic invoice:
- I.N.: The invoice number
- Device: The serial number of the player that was involved in the data transfer
- Status: The payment or non-payment status of the invoice
- Data transferred: The amount of download traffic corresponding to the charge
- Amount: The amount charged for the downloaded data