This page will ultimately be published in the FAQs section of our external docs.

What version of Windows is installed?

Windows 11 IoT LTSC (Long-Term Servicing Channel).

How do I update Windows?

Security updates will be applied via the standard Windows Update feature. Importantly, however, Windows Update will not update the Windows version.

Which interfaces are supported?

The following interfaces are supported:

The following items will only function while the bootloader is loading and have no function once Windows has booted up:

The following interfaces are not supported:

What storage devices are supported?

Is there BrightScript access?

No. BrightScript requires BrightSignOS. The OS on this player is Windows.

Is BrightAuthor:connected required?

No. Functionally, this is a Windows PC.

Is BSN.Cloud (bsn.Content or bsn.Cloud) required?

No. Functionally, this is a Windows PC.

Can I install Chromium?

Yes. Functionally, this is a Windows PC so you can install Chromium or any other Windows-compatible browser.

How can I find the player’s serial number?

The player’s serial number can be found on the label on the bottom of the player. The serial number cannot be determined from within Windows.

Can I access the registry?

The Windows registry can be accessed just as with any Windows PC. Refer to Microsoft’s registry documentation.

Do CEC commands work over HDMI?

No. If you need CEC control, please consider our standard players based on BrightSignOS.

Can I update the BIOS?


How can I get support?

For Windows related issues, please contact your reseller or Microsoft.

For hardware related issues, please visit

The notes below are from Ben’s original document. They are being left here temporarily for reference only and will be eventually deleted. The above section is what will be published publicly.

  1. How to update to BrightSign provided UEFI bootloader?

    1. nb: currently not supported

    2. at scale?s

  2. How to update from a BrightSign provided UEFI bootloader to a newer BrightSign provided UEFI Bootloader?

    1. nb: currently dont support

    2. at scale?

  3. How to determine the version of the player?

    1. BrightSign Version?

      1. There is not a 'brightsign version'

    2. UEFI Version?

      1. Same as normal Windows process

    3. BrightSign UEFI Bootloader Version?

      1. Remove the SSD and check the splash screen

    4. BrightSign Windows Agent (Windows Installer App) Version?

      1. Communication with Brightsign

    5. Windows Version?

      1. Same as normal Windows process

  4. How does a end user apply a Recovery Image?

    1. Greg Herlein Jonathan Dye Andrew Saul - if a user needs to recover the Windows system with a Recovery Image, will they leverage the existing image or do they require a recovery image?
      (Aaron Rollins Matthew Neutra ) need to determine whether this is an image distributed by the Support Team or publicly accessible.

Notes (very rough - WIP will be formalizing these 10/30):

to test: