
If you want to use the application cache for HTML5 sites in BrightAuthor (which allows the player to cache remote HTML content on the local storage), you will need to enable the Limit storage space by function option in Edit > Preferences > Storage. HTML5 sites must be configured properly for caching to work.

Use this tab to add HTML5 sites to your presentation. You must add sites in this tab before you can include HTML5 states in the playlist.

Adding an HTML Site

To add an HTML5 site, click Add HTML Site and specify the following:


The URL and Query string fields accept User Variable values. To specify a User Variable, enter the name of the variable between two sets of dollar signs. The variable value can be either standalone ("$$my_variable$$") or part of a static value ("$$my_variable$$"). 



For security reasons, Enable javascript console should only be used in non-production presentations. Make sure to disable JavaScript console before publishing to a production environment. In the Chromium version found in BOS 8.5 and beyond, the JavaScript console will log information in memory even when you are not connected to the inspector. This will consume memory until the player runs out, which will result in a crash.