The Presentations section allows you to view all presentations, BrightWall presentations, and BrightWall configuration files uploaded to the BrightSign Network.
Click the down arrow next to Presentations to view a list of all presentations uploaded to the BrightSign Network:
- Active: A checkmark will be displayed in this field if the presentation is currently assigned to one or more groups. Use the button to view the Current Active Groups list.
- Name: The name of the presentation
- Date modified: The last time the presentation was modified in BrightAuthor or uploaded via the BrightSign Network WebUI
Right-click a presentation to perform an action:
- Delete: Removes the presentation from your BrightSign Network account. This action cannot be performed if the presentation is currently assigned to a group.
- Download: Downloads the presentation file and assets to the specified folder. You cannot download presentations that were created with the WebUI.
BrightWall Presentations
Click the down arrow next to BrightWall Presentations to view a list of all BrightWall presentations uploaded to the BrightSign Network:
- Active: A checkmark will be displayed in this field if the BrightWall presentation is currently assigned to one or more BrightWall groups. Use the button to view the Current Active BrightWall™ Groups list.
- Name (BrightWall Configuration): The name of the BrightWall presentation, as well as the configuration file used for that presentation
- Date modified: The last time the BrightWall presentation was modified in BrightAuthor
Right-click a BrightWall presentation to perform an action:
- Delete: Removes the BrightWall presentation from your BrightSign Network account. This action cannot be performed if the BrightWall presentation is currently assigned to a BrightWall group.
- Download: Downloads the BrightWall presentation file, configuration file, and assets to the specified folder.
BrightWall Configurations
Click the button next to BrightWall Configurations to view a list of all BrightWall Configuration files uploaded to the BrightSign Network:
Currently, the only way to upload a BrightWall Configuration file to BSN is to upload a BrightWall presentation that uses the configuration file. |
- Active: A checkmark will be displayed in this field if the configuration file is being used for one or more BrightWall presentations. Use the button to view the Current Active BrightWall™ Groups list.
- Name: The name of the BrightWall Configuration file
- Creation date: The date that the BrightWall Configuration file was created in BrightAuthor
Right-click a configuration file to perform an action:
- Delete: Removes the BrightWall Configuration file from your BrightSign Network account. This action cannot be performed if a BrightWall presentation that uses the configuration file is currently assigned to a BrightWall group.
- Download: Downloads the BrightWall Configuration file to the specified folder.