The Presentations section allows you to view all presentations, BrightWall presentations, and BrightWall configuration files uploaded to the BrightSign Network.


Click the down arrow next to Presentations to view a list of all presentations uploaded to the BrightSign Network:

Right-click a presentation to perform an action:

BrightWall Presentations

Click the down arrow next to BrightWall Presentations to view a list of all BrightWall presentations uploaded to the BrightSign Network:

Right-click a BrightWall presentation to perform an action:

BrightWall Configurations

Click the button next to BrightWall Configurations to view a list of all BrightWall Configuration files uploaded to the BrightSign Network:

Currently, the only way to upload a BrightWall Configuration file to BSN is to upload a BrightWall presentation that uses the configuration file.

Right-click a configuration file to perform an action: