High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP), which protects content from duplication, can affect customers using the HDMI® input on XD1230, XD1132, 4K1142, XT1143, and XT1144 BrightSign players. BrightSign hardware can not violate HDCP key rules, so users can be affected if they try to use content that is protected, or use a box that strips HDCP from HDMI signals.

There are two versions of HDCP. HDCP 1.x is content encryption for standard, high-def, 1080K content and is supported on BrightSign players. HDCP 2.x is content encryption for 4K (high-resolution) content. HDCP 2.2 may work but is not yet officially supported by BrightSign players.

HDCP Compliance

Any HDCP-protected signal must remain HDCP-protected through the entire HDMI chain. If the HDMI input signal is protected by HDCP:

Forcing HDCP On

BrightSign offers roVideoMode, a BrightScript function that will force HDCP on all the time. This prevents issues of compatibility because in at least some versions of the OS, HDCP won't be applied on the output until the HDCP content is displayed.

Here is an example of how to use this function:

mode = createobject("roVideomode")
mode.ConfigureHdmiInput({MaxHdcpVersion:1, EdidFilename:0})

Additional Notes