4.4-BrightSign Network Setup

4.4-BrightSign Network Setup


You must have a BrightSign Network Account to set up players for the BrightSign Network (BSN). Contact BrightSign Sales or your BrightSign vendor to purchase BSN subscriptions.


This tutorial video outlines the basic steps for setting up a player for the BrightSign Network.

Sign in to BSN

To create BrightSign Network setup files, you must first sign in to BSN in BrightAuthor. Once you have your BSN account credentials, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Sign In to BrightSign Network. If you don't see this option, navigate to Edit > Preferences > Networking and check the Enable BrightSign Network box.
  2. Enter your Account, User name, and Password.
  3. (Optional) Check the Remember account and user name box if you don't want to perform these steps every time you open BrightAuthor.
  4. Click Sign In.
  5. Navigate to Tools > Setup BrightSign Unit.

Name Specification

  • Name: Enter a name for the player.
  • Description:(Optional) Enter a description for the player.
  • Customization: Select one of the following:
    • Append unit ID: Appends the serial number of the player to the end of the player name.
    • Use name only: Does not append anything to the player name.

Network Properties

  • Enable Wireless: Check this box to connect the player to the local network using a wireless connection. In order to use a wireless connection, you must purchase a Wireless Module for your BrightSign player. If the player is connecting to a secured network, enter the following:
    • SSID: Enter the SSID of the wireless network.
    • Security key: Enter the password for the wireless network.
  • Network Connection Priority: Use the up and down arrows to prioritize either the Wired or Wireless connection. The BrightSign player will always attempt to download and upload using the first option, and will only use the second option if the first is unavailable.
  • Time zone: Select the time zone where the player is located.
  • Time server:(Optional) Specify the server (and protocol) that the player should use to synchronize its clock. Players use the BrightSign Network time server by default.

Advanced Network Setup

Click the Advanced Network Setup button to customize advanced settings for your networked player.

Unit Configuration

Use the Unit Configuration tab to specify the following:

  • Specify hostname: Check this box to specify a custom hostname for the player on the network. By default, the player serial number is used to generate a unique hostname.
  • Use Proxy: Check this box if you want the player to use a proxy server.
    • Address: Enter the address of the proxy. If you need to provide a user name and password for the proxy, use this format: <user name>:<password>@<proxy server address> (e.g. “admin:root@myproxy.com”).
    • Port: Enter the port number of the proxy.
    • Proxy Bypass: Use the Add Host button to add host names to the proxy bypass list. Host names that are checked will be accessed directly, rather than using the specified proxy server. Entering a host name such as "example.com" will exempt "example.com", "example.com:80", and "www.example.com" from the proxy setting. This feature includes bypass options for the BrightSign Network (content downloads, log uploads) and BrightSign Network Feeds (Dynamic Playlists, Live Media Feeds, Live Text Feeds) by default.
  • Limit content downloads: Check this box to restrict player content downloads to a certain time of day. This is helpful if you want to limit network traffic during peak hours.
    • Start of Range: The beginning of the time frame during which content downloads can occur.
    • End of Range: The end of the time frame during which content downloads can occur.
  • Limit health updates: Check this box to limit when the player sends health updates to the BrightSign Network. This is helpful if you know a player will be powered off or otherwise disabled during a certain time of day.
    • Start of Range: The beginning of the time frame during which health updates can be sent.
    • End of Range: The end of the time frame during which health updates can be sent.
  • Copy content from the current published schedule: Check this box to copy the current scheduled presentation(s) of the group to the storage device along with the setup files. Use this option if you don’t want the player downloading large content files from the BrightSign Network right after it is set up.


Use the Wired and Wireless tabs to specify the following:

  • Data Types Enabled: Use these checkboxes to determine the data types that can be transferred using the connection. You can enable/disable downloads (Content, Text Feeds, Media Feeds), as well as uploads (Health, Log Updates).
  • Connection Settings: Indicate whether the IP address is auto-generated (via DHCP) or static. If you’re using a static IP address, enter the parameters in the fields.
  • Rate Limit Network Download Traffic: Set rate limitations for downloading content. The options are divided into three categories: Outside content download window, During content download window, and During initial downloads. The "content download window" described by the first two options corresponds to the Limit content downloads interval set in the Unit Configuration tab.
    • Unlimited download rate: Sets no limit on downloads.
    • Default limit: Sets the default limit (2000 Kibit/s) on downloads.
    • Specify limit: Sets a customized limit. Enter a limit in the text field (in Kbit/s).


Use the Diagnostics tab to specify the following:

  • Enable network diagnostics: Check this box to have the player display the network diagnostics screen during setup.
    • Test Ethernet: The player will indicate whether or not it was able to attain an IP address over Ethernet.
    • Test Wireless: The player will indicate whether or not it was able to attain an IP address over wireless.
    • Test Internet Connection: The player will indicate whether or not it was able to communicate with a remote server.


Click the Specify Firmware Update button to include a firmware update with the setup files. The firmware update will be performed after you insert the storage device containing the setup files into the player and power it up. Locate the section corresponding to your BrightSign model and select one of the following:

  • Production Release: The current official release of BrightSign firmware
  • Beta Release: The current beta release of BrightSign firmware
  • Minimum Compatible Release: The minimum firmware version that supports presentations created by your version of BrightAuthor. The minimum compatible firmware will likely not support all features provided by a contemporary version of BrightAuthor.
  • Select specific file: Use the Browse button to select a .bsfw firmware update file from your hard drive. The other options will download the update file from BrightSign when the setup files are created.

Splash Screen

  • Standard Splash Screen: The player will display the BrightSign logo when booting up.
  • Custom Splash Screen: The player will display a custom logo when booting up. Click Browse to locate and select the image you wish to use. See this FAQ for image size and format restrictions.

Unit Configuration

Select the Networked with the BrightSign Network option. Then configure the following:

  • Enable diagnostic web server:(Optional) Check this box to enable the Diagnostic Web Server. You can include a username and password in the text fields below for added security.
  • Enable local web server:(Optional) Check this box to enable the Local Web Server. You can include a username and password in the text fields below for added security.
    • Enable Update Notifications:(Optional) Check this box to have the player automatically refresh the User Variables webpage whenever variable values change on the player.
  • Group: Select this option to include the player in a standard BSN group. Use the dropdown list to select a BSN group for the player. Groups allow you to publish presentation schedules to multiple players. See the Publishing with BrightSign Network page for more details.
  • BrightWall Group: Select this option to include the player in a BSN BrightWall group. Use the dropdown list to select a BrightWall group for the player. Each BrightWall group includes one or more BrightWall(s) that share a common configuration file, and each BrightWall in a BrightWall group plays the same presentation. 


    You can create BrightWall groups in the Manage > Status section. 

    • BrightWall Name: Use the dropdown list to assign the player to a BrightWall within the BrightWall group. If you haven’t created the BrightWall yet, click Add BrightWall and enter the BrightWall name. Note that a new BrightWall will utilize the configuration file that is assigned to the BrightWall group.The numbering of a 4x3 BrightWall
    • Screen Number: Specify the section of the BrightWall to which the player belongs. Screens are numbered by row, starting from the top-left section of the BrightWall (the example diagram to the right shows the numbering of a 4x3 BrightWall).
  • Content Check Frequency: Specify how often the player should communicate with the BSN servers to determine if there is new scheduled content to download.
  • Update Health Frequency: Specify how often the player should send health status updates to the BSN servers. This determines how up-to-date the Player Status colors are.


Use the check boxes to enable/disable logs and specify log upload settings. You can view logs in the Current Usage tab of the BSN WebUI or in the currentLog folder on the player storage.

  • Enable playback logging: Records playback start and end times, zone names, media types, and file names.
  • Enable event logging: Records timestamps, state names, zone names, event types, and event data.
  • Enable state logging: Records current and last state names, timestamps, and media types.
  • Enable diagnostic logging: Records timestamps, firmware and script versions, and the current presentation.
  • Enable Variable logging: Records the current and default values of all User Variables in the presentation. This log is only generated when logs are uploaded to the BSN servers.
  • Upload logs: Check either of the following:
    • On startup: Uploads log files each time the player is powered on.
    • At specific time each day: Uploads log files daily at the specified time. Use the dropdown lists to pick a time.


See this FAQ to learn how to read player logs.

Remote Snapshot

Check the Enable remote snapshot box to enable the Remote Snapshot feature, which allows you to remotely monitor the contents of the presentation display.


The Remote Snapshot feature is not available for the LS422, HD220, or HD1020.

  • Remote snapshot every [ ] minutes: Specify how often the player should take a snapshot of the presentation display.
  • Save up to [ ] images (1 - 100) on local storage: Specify how many JPEG snapshot images can be stored on the local storage of the player.
  • JPEG quality level [ ] (0 - 100): Specify the quality level (and thus the file size) of each image file.
  • Display snapshots in portrait mode: Check this box to have the player rotate the snapshots to portrait mode before saving and uploading them.

RF Channel Scan Data (optional)

Use this field to publish RF channel scan settings to an XD1230 player. This option is useful if you need to publish identical channel scan settings to multiple XD1230 players. See Publishing Channel Scan Results for more details.

Screen Color

Click Choose to specify what screen color the player should display after it has successfully completed the setup process. When the player displays this color, it is ready to receive content.

Creating and Installing the Setup Files

Now that you've configured the setup files, you need to publish them to your player:

  1. Click Create Setup Files.
  2. Browse to and select an SD card (recommended) or USB flash drive. Ensure the setup files are written to the root folder of the storage device.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Turn off the BrightSign player by unplugging the power adapter (or Ethernet cable if the player is being powered by PoE).
  5. Insert the SD card or USB flash drive into the player.
  6. Turn on the BrightSign player  by reconnecting the power.



We recommend formatting your SD card or USB flash drive using FAT32. Formatting your card using NTFS allows you to play media files that are 4GB or larger in size, but the player will not be able to receive network updates or generate logs.


 The storage device must remain in the player at all times while playing presentations. 

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