4.6-Copying, Importing, Exporting States

4.6-Copying, Importing, Exporting States

All states can be copied, exported, and imported. Copying or exporting a state (or set of states) will also copy all commands and notes attached to that state. This process will only preserve events that transition among the set of copied/exported states.

  • Copying: With a state selected, right-click the state and select Copy, navigate to Edit > Copy, or press Ctrl+C. You can also copy multiple states by holding down Ctrl while selecting the desired states.
  • Pasting: Right-click a playlist or Super State canvas and select Paste, navigate to Edit > Paste, or press Ctrl+V. Note that a pasted state will appear at the same canvas position as the original state; if the original state has not moved, it may be difficult to tell that the paste action occurred.
  • Exporting: With a state selected, right-click the state and select Export or navigate to Edit > Export. You can also place multiple states into a single export file by holding down Ctrl while selecting the desired states. The exported state(s) will be saved as a single file with a .bse extension in the specified directory.
  • Importing: Right-click a playlist or Super State canvas and select Import States, or navigate to Edit > Import States. You will be prompted to select the .bse file containing the state(s) you wish to export.

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