


This object allows you to mix audio files, as well as HLS audio streams. Each roAudioPlayerMx object contains two internal audio players: The main audio playlist consists of queued audio tracks that play sequentially, while the audio overlay plays files on top of the main playlist. A fade will not occur if it is called while an overlay is playing, but the next audio track will start playing as expected. 

Tracks are queued to PlayFile with their fade parameters specified in an associative array. These are the parameters you can pass to PlayFile:

  • Filename: The filename of the track
  • FrontPorch: The length (in milliseconds) to skip from the start of the track. This value is 0 by default.
  • FadeOutLocation: The location (in milliseconds) of the fade out relative to the value of the FrontPorch. If the FrontPorch value is 0 (which is the default setting), and the FadeOutLength value is non-zero, then the fade out is calculated back from the end of the file.
  • FadeOutLength: The length of the fade out (in milliseconds). This value is 0 by default.
  • SegueLocation: The location (in milliseconds) of the event that triggers the next audio file to play. This location is relative to the first audio file that is played. If the SegueLocation parameter is not included, the value defaults to the FadeOutLocation.
  • BackPorchLocation: The location (in milliseconds) of the termination point for the audio track. This location is relative to the first audio file that is played. If the BackPorchLocation parameter is not included, the audio file plays to the end. The value is 0 by default, which disables the back porch.
  • TrackVolume: The relative volume of of the audio track, measured as a percentage. Specify the percentage using values between 0 and 100.
  • EventID: The ID for an audio event.
  • EventTimeStamp: The timestamp for the audio event. There can only be one event per audio file.
  • QueueNext: The queuing of an audio track. Set the parameter value to 1 to queue an audio file to play after the current track.
  • Overlay: The overlay specification of an audio track. Set the parameter value to 1 to fade down the main audio playlist while playing the audio track as an overaly. Overlays have additional parameters:
    • AudioBedLevel: The volume-level percentage of the main audio playlist while the overlay is playing. Specify the percentage using values between 0 and 100.
    • AudioBedFadeOutLength: The fade-out length of the main audio playlist.
    • AudioBedFadeInLength: The fade-in lenth for the length of the underlying audio track once the segue is triggered.
  • FadeCurrentPlayNext: A fade command. Set the parameter value to 1 to fade out the current main audio playlist track and fade in the designated audio file.
  • CrossfadeCurrentPlayNext: A crossfade command. Set the parameter value to 1 to force an immediate crossfade between the current main audio playlist track and the designated audio file.
  • UserString: A string that can be set to a unique value for each roAudioPlayerMx instance. This string is returned with every event generated by the instance. Since all current platforms can support multiple roAudioPlayerMx instances running at the same time, the UserString allows the script to distinguish between event returns.

The following diagram illustrates how some of these timing parameters work together:

The following script illustrates a simple crossfade between audio tracks:


a = CreateObject("roAudioPlayerMx")
track1 = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
track1["Filename"] = "file1.mp3"
track1["FadeInLength"] = 4000
track1["FadeOutLength"] = 4000
track1["QueueNext"] = 1
track2 = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
track2["Filename"] = "file2.mp3"
track2["FadeInLength"] = 4000
track2["FadeOutLength"] = 4000
track2["QueueNext"] = 1


PlayFile(a As Object) As Boolean
Stop() As Boolean
Play() As Boolean
Pause() As Boolean
Resume() As Boolean
SetLoopMode(a As Boolean) As Boolean
GetPlaybackStatus() As Object


SetPort(a As Object)


MapStereoOutput(a As Integer) As Boolean
SetVolume(a As Integer) As Boolean
SetChannelVolumes(a As Integer, b As Integer) As Boolean
SetAudioOutput(a As Integer) As Boolean
SetAudioMode(a As Integer) As Boolean
SetAudioStream(a As Integer) As Boolean
SetUsbAudioPort(a As Integer) As Boolean
SetSpdifMute(a As Boolean) As Boolean
MapDigitalOutput(a As Integer) As Boolean
StoreEncryptionKey(a As String, b As String) As Boolean
StoreObfuscatedEncryptionKey(a As String, b As String) As Boolean
SetStereoMappingSpan(a As Integer) As Boolean
ConfigureAudioResources() As Boolean
SetPcmAudioOutputs(a As Object) As Boolean
SetCompressedAudioOutputs(a As Object) As Boolean


GetIdentity() As Integer


SetDecoderCount(a As Integer) As Boolean



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