This object is used to wait for events from a USB keyboard. It can also be used to configure the localization of the keyboard.
Object Creation: The roKeyboard object is created with no parameters.
SetPort(port As roMessagePort)
Posts messages of type roKeyboardPress to the attached message port.
SetUserData(user_data As Object)
Sets the user data that will be returned when events are raised.
GetUserData() As Object
Returns the user data that has previously been set via SetUserData()
. It will return Invalid if no data has been set.
IsPresent() As Boolean
Returns True if a USB keyboard is connected to the player. This method counts a connected device as a keyboard if it reports having the following keys: "A", "Z", "0", "9", ".", and Enter.
SetLayout(layout As String) As Boolean
Specifies the localized layout for the attached USB keyboard. This setting takes effect immediately and persists in the registry after a reboot. The following table lists valid keymap parameters (players are set to us by default):
af | Afghanistan | es | Spain | kh | Cambodia | pk | Pakistan |
al | Albania | et | Ethiopia | kr | Korea, Republic of | pl | Poland |
am | Armenia | fi | Finland | kz | Kazakhstan | pt | Portugal |
at | Austria | fo | Faroe Islands | la | Laos | ro | Romania |
az | Azerbaijan | fr | France | lk | Sri Lanka | rs | Serbia |
ba | Bosnia and Herzegovina | gb | United Kingdom | lt | Lithuania | ru | Russia |
bd | Bangladesh | ge | Georgia | lv | Latvia | se | Sweden |
be | Belgium | gh | Ghana | ma | Morocco | si | Slovenia |
bg | Bulgaria | gn | Guinea | md | Moldova | sk | Slovakia |
br | Brazil | gr | Greece | me | Montenegro | sn | Senegal |
bt | Bhutan | hr | Croatia | mk | Macedonia | sy | Syria |
bw | Botswana | hu | Hungary | ml | Mali | th | Thailand |
by | Belarus | ie | Ireland | mm | Myanmar | tj | Tajikistan |
ca | Canada | il | Israel | mn | Mongolia | tm | Turkmenistan |
cd | Congo (DRC) | in | India | mt | Macao | tr | Turkey |
ch | Switzerland | iq | Iraq | mv | Maldives | tw | Taiwan |
cm | Cameroon | ir | Iran | ng | Nigeria | tz | Tanzania |
cn | China | is | Iceland | nl | Netherlands | ua | Ukraine |
cz | Czech Republic | it | Italy | no | Norway | us* | United States |
de | Germany | jp | Japan | np | Nepal | uz | Uzbekistan |
dk | Denmark | ke | Kenya | pc | Pitcairn | vn | Vietnam |
ee | Estonia | kg | Kyrgyzstan | ph | Philippines | za | South Africa |
*The default setting.