Tagged Groups Entity (2020/10)

All tagged groups entities are structured as follows:


  • Id intA unique identifier for the tagged group instance

  • Name stringThe name of the tagged group instance. The maximum length of this string is 50 characters.

  • Rule string: Defines a tag-based expression, and based on that expression, the system will assign players to this tag. For example, an expression can select for players having a WiFi connection with 10GB of free space on an SD1 disk.

  • IsDynamic bool: Whether the tagged group instance is dynamic or static. Dynamic groups get populated by players automatically. Players must be manually assigned to static groups even if a rule exists.

  • Description stringThe customer-defined description of the tagged group. The maximum length of this string is 256 characters.

  • HasChanges bool: Whether the tagged (static) group instance has changes. This indicates if changes occurred on the player side. If so, the list of matches is no longer valid and needs to be manually updated.

  • CreationDate DateTimeIndicates when the tagged group was created on BSN.cloud. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • LastModifiedDate DateTimeIndicates when the tagged group was last modified on BSN.cloud. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • DevicesCount ushort: The number of players that are members of the tagged group (players can be part of many groups, and groups can contain many players).

  • DevicesHealthStatus DeviceHealthStatus[]: Returns one of "Ok", "Warning", or  "Error", depending on the player's health

  • Devices DeviceInfo[]Supported representations include:

    • Id int: The unique identifier for the device

    • Serial string:  The device serial number

  • Permissions Permission[]A list of permission object instances representing permissions rules assigned to the tagged group instance