Tagged Playlists Entity (2020/10)

All tagged playlist entities are structured as follows:


  • Id int:  A unique identifier for the tagged playlist instance. This value is generated by the server when the tagged playlist is created.

  • Name stringThe name of the tagged playlist. The maximum length of this string is 50 characters.

  • PhysicalPath stringThe location of the file in the server directory

  • ContentsVirtualPath stringThe virtual directory location of files in the tagged playlist. Tagged playlists can only use files contained in this directory.

  • Rule string: A set of tagging conditions that determines tagged media to include in the playlist.

  • TTL TimeSpanThe frequency with which players will query BSN.cloud servers to determine if there is any new tagged media to include/exclude in the tagged playlist (TTL is an acronym for time to live). See TimeSpan for more information about this data type.

  • WaitingForApprove boolA flag that determines whether recent changes to media tags have been approved for the tagged playlist. By default, changing media tags will not automatically add or remove media from a tagged playlist. A user with the "Update Tagged Playlist" permission (Administrators, Creators, General Managers) will need to set this flag to false for changes to go into effect. 

  • CreationDate DateTimeA timestamp indicating when the tagged playlist was created on BSN.cloud. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • LastModifiedDate DateTimeA timestamp indicating when the tagged playlist was last modified on BSN.cloud. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • Content TaggedPlaylistContent[]An array of content object instances representing content files in the tagged playlist:

    • ContentId intThe unique identifier for the tagged playlist content

    • FileName string:  The filename of the tagged playlist content 

    • DisplayDuration Nullable<TimeSpan>: The amount of time the content will be displayed before transitioning to the next entry (the default is six seconds). See TimeSpan

    • ValidityStartDate Nullable<DateTime>: The validity start date for the entry (that is, the point at which it will start being included in the tagged playlist). A null value specifies that the item is valid immediately when added to the tagged playlist. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

    • ValidityEndDate Nullable<DateTime>The validity end date for the associated entry (that is, the point at which it will no longer be included in the tagged playlist).  A null value specifies that the item will be valid until it is removed from the tagged playlist manually. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

    • State TaggedPlaylistContentStateThe content state enumeration has three possible values: "Approved", "Pending Addition", and "Pending Deletion".

  • Presentations PresentationInfo[]An array of Presentation Info entities for each presentation associated with the tagged playlist instance

  • Permissions Permission[]A list of permission object instances representing permissions rules assigned to the tagged playlist