WebPage Entity (2017/01)

All webpage entities are structured as follows:


Id int: The unique identifier for the webpage entity

Name string: The name of the webpage entity

PhysicalPath string: The location of the webpage asset file in the server directory

FileSize long: The size of the webpage asset file (in bytes)

FileHash string: The hash algorithm and the value that results from performing the hash algorithm on the webpage asset. The string is formatted as "{algorithm}:{value}" (e.g. "SHA1:6DB465879088280AAC52DC22B07ED0AD493A99D4")

UploadDate DateTime: A timestamp indicating when the webpage instance was uploaded. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

LastModifiedDate DateTime:  A timestamp indicating when the webpage instance was last modified. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

Assets WebPageAsset[]:  An array of WebPage Asset entities for assets associated with the webpage

Presentations PresentationInfo[]: An array of Presentation Info entities for each presentation associated with the webpage

Permissions List<Permission>: A list of permission object instances representing permissions rules assigned to the webpage instance