Regular Groups Entity (2022/06)

Regular Groups Entity (2022/06)

All regular groups entities are structured as follows:


  • Id int read-only: A unique identifier for the regular group instance. This value is generated by the server when the group is created

  • Name string read-write: The group name. The maximum length of this string is 50 characters.

  • CreationDate DateTime read-only: Indicates when the group was created on BSN.cloud. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • LastModifiedDate DateTime read-only: Indicates when the group was last modified on BSN.cloud. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • Autorun DeviceAutorunInfo read-only:

    • Version string read-onlyThe current BrightAuthor:connected autorun version assigned to the group

    • IsCustom bool read-only:  Whether the autorun is a standard BrightAuthor:connected file (false) or a custom-built file (true)

  • HDX23Firmware string read-write: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD223/HD1023

  • HDX23FirmwareId int read-write: A unique identifier for the HD223/HD1023 minimum firmware version

  • LSX23Firmware string read-write: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the LS423

  • LSX23FirmwareId int read-write: A unique identifier for the LS423 minimum firmware version

  • HSX23Firmware string read-writeThe minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HS123

  • HSX23FirmwareId int read-write: A unique identifier for the HS123 minimum firmware version

  • HOX23Firmware string read-writeThe minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HO523

  • HOX23FirmwareId int read-writeA unique identifier for the HO523 minimum firmware version

  • XDX33Firmware string read-write: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XD233/XD1033

  • XDX33FirmwareId int read-write:  A unique identifier for the XD233/XD1033 minimum firmware version

  • XTX43Firmware string read-write: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XT242/XT1042/XT1142

  • XTX43FirmwareId int read-write:  A unique identifier for the XT242/XT1042/XT1142 minimum firmware version

  • XDX34_XTX44Firmware string read-write: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XD234/XD1034 

  • XDX34_XTX44FirmwareId int read-write: A unique identifier for the XD234/XD1034 minimum firmware version

  • HDX4_HSX4_LSX4Firmware string read-write: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD224/HD1024/LS424 and HSX4

  • HDX4_HSX4_LSX4FirmwareId int read-write:  A unique identifier for the HD224/HD1024/LS424 and HSX4 minimum firmware version

  • AUX5Firmware string read-write: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the AU335

  • AUX5FirmwareId int read-write: A unique identifier for the AU335 minimum firmware version

  • FKX42Firmware string read-write: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the 4K242, 4K1042 and 4K1142

  • FKX42FirmwareId int read-write:  A unique identifier for the 4K242, 4K1042 and 4K1142 minimum firmware version

  • XCX55Firmware string read-writeThe minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XC5

  • XCX55FirmwareId int read-writeA unique identifier for the XC5 minimum firmware version

  • XTx45_XDx35_HDx25_LS4x5_HS1x5Firmware string read-writeThe minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on these players

  • XTx45_XDx35_HDx25_LS4x5_HS1x5FirmwareId int read-writeA unique identifier for the minimum firmware version of these players

  • LG4x5Firmware string read-write: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on LG445 players

  • LG4x5FirmwareId int read-write: A unique identifier for the minimum firmware version of LG445 players

  • EnableSerialDebugging bool read-write:  A flag specifying whether serial debugging should be enabled for all players assigned to the Group instance

  • EnableSystemLogDebugging bool read-write: A flag specifying whether system log debugging should be enabled for players assigned to the Group instance

  • EnableStorageSpaceLimit bool read-write: A flag specifying whether player storage devices will be divided into different segments. This allows the user to allot maximum sizes to different segments to ensure that a certain type of data does not take up too much space on the storage device. The "limit" values below will only apply to the player storage if this value is true.

  • StorageSpaceLimitUnits StorageSpaceLimitUnit read-write: A value specifying whether the following "limit" values are measured in percentages ("Percentage") or megabytes ("Megabyte")

  • PublishedDataSizeLimit ushort read-write: The maximum size allotted to all presentation and content files that are written to the storage device during the publish process. This includes audio, video, images, text, and HTML content files.

  • DynamicDataSizeLimit ushort read-write: The maximum size of all dynamic content, including Dynamic Playlists and MRSS feeds. When this segment runs out of space, dynamic content files will be deleted to create space, starting with the oldest files first.

  • HtmlDataSizeLimit ushort read-write: The maximum size of the HTML application cache

  • HtmlLocalStorageSizeLimit ushort read-write: The maximum size of all JavaScript variables and data

  • WebDatabaseSizeLimit ushort read-write: The maximum amount of storage allocated to the IndexedDB web database application

  • DevicesCount ushort read-only: The number of players assigned to the group instance

  • DevicesHealthStatus Dictionary<DeviceHealthStatus, uint> read-only: Returns "Ok", "Warning", or "Error" depending on the player health

  • Devices DeviceInfo[] read-onlySupported representations include:

    • Id int read-only: The unique identifier for the device

    • Serial string read-only:  The device serial number

  • Schedule ScheduledPresentation[] read-onlyThe scheduled presentation entity. See Scheduled Presentation Entity

  • Permissions Permission[] read-write: A list of the permissions rules assigned to the group 

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