Player Subscription Entity (2022/06)

Player Subscription Entity (2022/06)

All player subscription entities are structured as follows:


  • Id int read-only:  The unique identifier for the subscription instance

  • Device DeviceInfo read-only

    • Id int read-only:  The unique identifier for the device

    • Serial string read-only: The serial number of the device

  • Type PlayerSubscriptionType read-onlyWhether the network is "Content" or "Control"

  • ActivityPeriod TimeSpan read-onlyThe time span during which the subscription has been active. See TimeSpan for more information about this data type.

  • Status DeviceSubscriptionStatus read-only: Either "Active", "Suspending", or "Suspended"

  • CreationDate DateTime read-onlyThe creation date of the subscription. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • ActivationDate Nullable<DateTime> read-only: The date on which the subscription was activated, if available. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • SuspensionDate Nullable<DateTime> read-only: The date on which the subscription was suspended, if available. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • ExpirationDate Nullable<DateTime> read-onlyThe date on which the subscription will expire, if available. See DateTime for more information about this data type.

  • LastModifiedDate DateTime read-only: The last date on which the subscription was modified. See DateTime for more information about this data type.