
The roPowerManager object is used to report the battery state of the device.

Object Creation: The roPowerManager object is created as follows:



GetPowerSource() As String

Returns either "Battery", "AC", or "Ethernet", depending on the power source.

GetBatteryStatus() As Object

Returns the following values:

  • state string: Returns the device battery status as either "charging", "discharging", "charge-complete", or "charge-fault"

  • soc_percent int: The level of charge of the battery as a percentage.

  • hardware_version string: The hardware version number


Indicates that the charger should cut the power

SetPowerSwitchMode(as A String)

Takes either "hard" or "soft"

GetPowerSwitchMode() As String

Returns whether it is set to "hard" or "soft"


SetPort(as A Object)

Which message port should be used to get messages from the power manager.