Returns a particular registry section or key value
sectionstring: The name of the registry section (for example, "html" or "networking")
keystring: The name of the registry key
Request Example
This example gets the telnet port number from the networking section:
GET /rest/v1/registry/networking/telnet?destinationType=player&destinationName={{deviceSerial}} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{UserAccessToken}}
Response Example
PUT /registry/:section/:key/
Sets a value in the specified section of the registry. Do a GET first to see which keys are available.
Applications rely on the values they have set in the registry. Please be mindful of what you type to avoid putting the player in an unstable state.
sectionstring: The name of the registry section (for example, "html" or "networking")
keystring: The name of the registry key
Request Example
This example sets the telnet port number in the networking section of registry:
This is the example request body:
Response Example
DELETE /registry/:section/:key/
Deletes a key-value pair from the specified registry section, or the whole section.
Applications rely on the values they have set in the registry. Please be mindful of what you type to avoid putting the player in an unstable state.
sectionstring: The name of the registry section (for example, "html" or "networking")
keystring: The name of the registry key
Request Example
This example deletes the telnet key from the networking section of registry:
Response Example
PUT /registry/flush/
Flush the registry immediately to disk. This is available as of BOS 9.0.110 and 8.5.47. If you are on an earlier OS, you can reboot the player to flush the registry.
Request Example
Response Example
GET /registry/recovery_url/
Retrieves the recovery URL stored in the player registry
Request Example
Response Body
successbool: A flag indicating whether the request was successfully read
valuestring: The recovery URL
Response Example
PUT /registry/recovery_url/
Writes a new recovery URL to the player registry
Request Body
urlstring: The new recovery URL
Request Example
This is the example request body:
Response Body
successbool: A flag indicating whether the write was successful