Factory Reset a Player
A factory reset returns all player settings to their factory defaults. It erases all values in the player registry, including all network settings, BrightSign Network recovery settings, touchscreen configuration settings, etc.
A factory reset will not do the following:
Delete the player’s provisioning record. If the player has been provisioned with BSN.cloud, performing a factory reset will not delete the player’s provisioning record. If you wish to factory reset a player and also delete its provisioning record, follow the steps outlined below.
Erase or downgrade the current OS installed on the player. If the player’s OS has been upgraded from its from-the-factory version, a factory reset will keep the upgraded OS.
Several options exist for resetting a player to its factory defaults and are described below. In addition, a tutorial video covering options 1 and 3 can be found here.
If you have trouble with the other options, use the Factory Reset Script option.
If you are currently using an OS extension, be sure you have the means to reinstall the extension as it may be removed by the Factory Reset process.
If your player requires a .bsca certificate package for network connectivity, the Factory Reset process will clear that and you will need to manually reapply it.
Option 1: Diagnostic Web Server (DWS)
This option requires that the player have OS version 6.2.39 or later. If you do not know the player’s OS version, use the Factory Reset script option below.
This option is advantageous because it does not require physical access to the player.
Navigate to the CONTROL tab.
Click the Factory Reset button.
Option 2: Factory Reset Script
This option requires physical access to the player.
Download the factory reset autorun.brs file here.
Copy the autorun.brs file to the root directory of a blank microSD card or USB thumb drive.
Insert the microSD card or USB thumb drive into the player while it is powered off.
Power on the player.
After a few moments, you will see a yellow message on the screen that states "Deleting Recovery settings".
After a few more moments, you will see the message "Settings Deleted. Remove script from flash card, and Restart".
The script will then delete itself and restart the player when complete. Once restarted, you should see a BrightSign logo on the screen with the player’s OS version.
Option 3: Hold SVC + Reset Buttons
This option requires physical access to the player.
Disconnect the player from power.
IMPORTANT: Remove the player's storage device (e.g., microSD card, USB drive, or SSD). If the storage device is not removed, the player may improperly run the setup process before the reset can occur.
Press and hold both SVC and Reset buttons.
Connect power to the player.
Wait until the red Err LED starts blinking rapidly.
Release the SVC and Reset buttons (the Err LED will stop blinking).
The player will perform the factory reset. The player will eventually reboot and display the BrightSign logo on the screen along with the player’s system info (serial number, MAC address, OS version).
From here, you can reconnect the desired storage storage device (e.g., microSD card) to continue setting up the player.
Factory Reset + Delete Provisioning Record
This process goes beyond the standard factory reset and also deletes the player’s provisioning record from BSN.cloud. Other than maintaining the player’s current OS version, this process reverts the player back to its from-the-factory state.
Go to Admin > Provision and delete the player from the Provision table by clicking the delete (trash can) icon.
Go to the Network tab and find the player. Click the gear icon to access the player's RDWS.
Navigate to the Control tab of the player’s RDWS and click the Reprovision > Update button which will cause the player to reboot.
From the Network tab, click the delete (trashcan) icon to delete the player.
Perform a factory reset of the player using one of the options above.
The player has now been rev