Create GPIO Input in BA:connected

Create GPIO Input in BA:connected


This example presentation demonstrates how to define GPIO input in BrightAuthor:connected. When GPIO 0 is pressed the presentation will switch from the current video to the next video:

Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 2.26.39 PM.png
Image 1
  1. Create an Interactive playlist.  

  2. Go to Presentation Settings > Interactive, and locate the Connectors tab (see Image 1). 

  3. Go to GPIO Configuration and select Input for GPIO 0.

  4. Add the videos to the playlist.

  5. From the top Events bar, select GPIO 0 and draw a connection from video1.mp4 to video2.mp4.

  6. Add a Media End event to video2.mp4, to play it immediately after video1.mp4 finishes. While video2.mp4 plays GPIO 0 input will be ignored.

  7. To accept GPIO 0 input during video2.mp4 and have it trigger video1.mp4, draw a connection from the video2.mp4 to video1.mp4 state using the GPIO 0 Event from Events. Pushing GPIO 0 will now take you back to video1.mp4.

  8. Select the GPIO 0 Event stemming from video2.mp4 and in Event Properties > Target State select Transition to new state and select video2.mp4 from the dropdown list (see Image 2). Now, pushing GPIO 0 restarts video2.mp4 instead of taking it back to video1.mp4

Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 2.35.04 PM.png
Image 2


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