

BrightSign developer resources include the documentation in this section as well as:


The BrightSign GitHub Repository contains additional resources for developers including plugins and custom scripts.


The BrightScript Language extension in Visual Studio Code facilitates BrightScript coding and is used by thousands of developers around the world.

MRSS Feed Generator

This MRSS Feed Generator batch file for Windows will generate MRSS manifest (.xml) files for a set of audio/video/image files. Note that:

  • The MRSS feed file will be written to the folder you run it from. 

  • You must edit the batch file in a text editor to set configuration parameters.

  • After the configuration parameters are set, the file can be run in interactive or automated mode. If you run it interactively it will provide diagnostic/usage information.

Media List Feed Generator

This Media List Feed Generator batch file for Windows will generate a Media List feed, which is a specially formatted RSS feed that can be used as a feed source for these states:

  • Audio List

  • Image List

  • Video List

  • Media List

  • Audio Play File (BrightAuthor only)

  • Image Play File (BrightAuthor only)

  • Video Play File (BrightAuthor only)

  • On Demand (BrightAuthor:connected only)

Note that:

  • It will contain the audio/video/image files in the folder it is run from.

  • You must edit the batch file in a text editor to set configuration parameters.

  • After the configuration parameters are set, the file can be run in interactive or automated mode. If you run it interactively it will provide diagnostic/usage information.

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