Capture a TCP Dump in BrightAuthor

Capture a TCP Dump in BrightAuthor

If your IP stream does not playback as expected, follow these instructions to generate a TCP dump from the Diagnostic Web Server (DWS):

  1. Enable the DWS on your player if it has not already been enabled (see the DWS documentation for more information).

  2. Download, unzip, and open this presentation/plugin.

  3. Go to File > Presentation Properties > Variables. Enter your IP stream URL as the Default Value for the "StreamURL" variable.

  4. Publish the presentation. After you publish the presentation, the player should reboot.

  5. Access the player's DWS by entering the IP address of the player into a web browser on the same local network. You have less than 10 seconds after the player has rebooted to complete the next step.

  6. Initiate a network packet capture:

    1. Go to the Diagnostics tab.

    2. Select Network Capture

    3. Select Start while "Display IP Stream in 10 seconds" is displayed on screen.

  7. Allow the network capture to run for ~ 30 seconds, then select Stop.

  8. Retrieve the capture file by going to the SD tab and clicking on the Disk icon next to the "capture.pcap" file.

  9. Go to the LOG tab and download the system log. Send both the "capture.pcap" file and the content of the LOG tab to BrightSign support for analysis.


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