Add a Flickr Photostream to a BrightAuthor playlist

Add a Flickr Photostream to a BrightAuthor playlist

Follow the steps below to add a Flickr Photostream to your BrightAuthor playlist using a Media RSS (MRSS) state (Flickr Albums are not currently supported).

Find the Photostream URL

You will need the URL of your Flickr MRSS feed. To find it:

  1. Go to the Photostream page of your Flickr account.

  2. Copy the URL of your Photostream page (e.g. "https://www.flickr.com/photos/XXXXXXX/ ")

  3. Go to http://idgettr.com/ .

  4. Paste the URL of your Photostream page into the field and select Find. The page will return your id below

  5. Replace "XXXXXX" in the following URL with your id. This is the URL for your Photostream MRSS feed. For example, http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?id=XXXXXX&lang=en-us&format=rss_200

Add a MRSS State to Your Presentation

  1. Go to Edit > Playlist In BrightAuthor.

  2. Select the Other tab under Media Library.

  3. Drag and drop the Media RSS Feed icon into your playlist to open the RSS Feed window.

  4. Select Add Data Feed.

    1. Enter a Feed Name.

    2. Under Feed Specification, select Url and enter the URL for your Photostream MRSS feed.

    3. Under Data feed content usage, select MRSS Feed.

    4. Enter an Update Interval to determine how frequently the player should check the Photostream MRSS feed for updates.

  5. Select Validate to ensure that you entered the feed URL correctly, then select OK.



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