4K Demo Content for BrightAuthor
Use the following links to download sample 4K content for your player.
30p Content
4Kp30 Card Image
You can copy the contents of this .zip file directly to an SD Class 10 card to start playing 4Kp30 content immediately.
4Kp30 Presentation
You can open the contents of this .zip file in BrightAuthor version 4.0.0.x or later if you want a framework to create your own 4Kp30 presentation.
4Kp30 Portrait Mode (Card Image)
Copy the contents of this .zip file directly to an SD Class 10 card to display 4Kp30 content in portrait mode.
60p Content
4Kp60 Card Image
Copy the contents of this .zip file directly to an SD Class 10 card to start playing 4Kp60 content immediately.
4Kp60 Presentation
You can open the contents of this .zip file in BrightAuthor version 4.0.0.x or later if you want a framework to create your own 4Kp60 presentation.
4Kp60 Portrait Mode (Card Image)
You can open the contents of this .zip file in BrightAuthor version 4.0.0.x or later if you want a framework to create your own 4Kp60 presentation.