Supported Media RSS Feeds

Supported Media RSS Feeds


You can use any Media RSS (MRSS) feed that contains only RSS tags or MRSS feeds that contain images, videos, or a mix of both. BrightAuthor doesn't support MRSS feeds that contain a mix of RSS and HTML tags. 


You can subscribe to a Flickr Photostream using BrightAuthor. Just add your photostream as an MRSS feed (note that you can't currently add individual Flickr sets).


You can use feeds from http://www.screenfeed.com for weather information. They have a mix of basic and advanced weather feeds, including weather maps. They also offer International weather services. 

BrightSign Network

If you have a BrightSign Network account, you can create MRSS feeds using the intuitive WebUI. Simply log in to your account at www.brightsignnetwork.com, click on the Create tab, select Dynamic Playlist and create a playlist. Media RSS feeds can be distributed to your BrightSign players or other networked clients. To learn more about Dynamic Playlists, see this page.

Custom – Building Your Own

An MRSS feed is normally an XML file served by any public web server that points to images or videos. If you are creating your own Media RSS feed, we offer a sample video .xml file and a sample image .xml file for reference. The following list outlines the tags that should be included with each media <item> in a BrightAuthor presentation MRSS XML:

  • <title>: The title of the media file. This text can be displayed on screen if the MRSS feed is used with a Live Text state.

  • <link>: A direct URL link to the media file. This attribute should be identical to the <media:url> attribute.

  • <description>:  A description of the media file. This text can be displayed on screen if the MRSS feed is used with a Live Text state.

  • <guid>: A unique identifier for the media file. If this attribute changes when the MRSS XML file updates, the cached file on the player will be updated as well (even if all other media item tags remain unchanged).

    • ispermalink: If this attribute is True, the unique identifier also represents a permanent link to the media file.

  • <media>: A tag containing several attributes related to the media file.

    • url: A direct URL link to the media file. This attribute should be identical to the <link> attribute.

    • fileSize: The size (in bytes) of the media file. This attribute should always be specified to prevent duplicate file downloads.

    • type: The MIME type of the media file. With BrightAuthor presentations, this should be either "image" (followed by "jpeg", "png", or "bmp") or "video" (followed by "ts", "mpg", "vob", "mov", or "mp4"). For example, a .jpeg image would be tagged as "image/jpeg" and a .mov video would be tagged as "video/mov".

    • medium: Either "image" or "video", depending on the MIME type of file.

    • duration: (Images Only) The length of time an image file is displayed on screen.

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