Get Player and DWS Logs

Get Player and DWS Logs

Get Player Logs

  1. Go to the logging settings:

    • Admin > Setup > Player Settings > Logging in BrightAuthor:connected

    • Tools > Setup BrightSign Unit in BrightAuthor (this will generate log files in the currentlog folder of the SD card).

  2. Enable all the logging options.

  3. Get the log files:

    1. In the BrightAuthor:connected tab, select an Upload Log

    2. If you are using BrightAuthor, check the currentlog folder of the SD card for the logs

Get DWS Logs

In BrightAuthor:connected

  1. Go to the player DWS.

  2. Open the Log tab.

  3. Select Download Log.

In BrightAuthor

  1. Enable the DWS (see this page).

  2. Open the Log tab and select the entire kernel log (Ctrl+A).

  3. Copy and paste the selected content to a text document.

In BrightScript

BrightScript users can get the DWS log content from roSystemLog ReadLog(). However, a known bug removes the initial log entries that start at 0.000.