Media List, Video List, Image List, Audio List
The Media List, Video List, Image List, and Audio List states are convenient tools for defining interactive events with many files. They allow you to compile your files into one group that appears as a single thumbnail in your playlist area. By default, each time the playlist transitions to a list state, the next file in the list will play and exit the list after a timeout (images) or when the file finishes playing (video and audio). Alternatively, you can set the list to shuffle files or cycle through every file in the list before exiting and transitioning to the next state.
Use the Transitions tab to add commands for entering or exiting each media item in the state. To add commands for entering or exiting the state itself, use the Advanced tab
You can edit properties of these states under File > Presentation Properties > Media List.
First, make sure your playlist is set to Interactive. Then, drag a Media List, Video List, Image List, or Audio List icon onto the playlist area. You can then set the following parameters for your list:
Media list name: Create a unique name for the list.
Set as initial state: Check this box to make the list your Home Screen.
Advance to next item on Media End event: (Media Lists, Video Lists, Audio Lists) Check this box to have the list cycle to the next file after an audio/video file ends. If you leave this box unchecked, the list will play one audio/video file each time it is transitioned to, remaining on that file until the playlist transitions away from the list.
Advance to next item on Image Timeout: (Media Lists, Image Lists) Check this box to have the list cycle to the next file after an image times out. If you leave this box unchecked, the list will display one image each time it is transitioned to and then transition away when the Image Timeout interval is reached.