Edit Tab

The Edit tab allows you to create and edit simple playlist presentations.

Creating Presentations 

General Managers, Creators

You can use the WebUI to create and edit simple looping presentations. You can publish these presentations to your networked BrightSign players. Remember that you will need to use BrightAuthor to create any presentations that are more complex than looping image/video/audio playlists.

  1. Select the Create tab and click Add New Presentation. In the Create Presentation window, you will be provided with the following options:

    1. Name: Choose a unique name for the presentation.

    2. Device Model: Select the model number of the BrightSign player(s) to which you will publish this presentation.

    3. Connector Type: Select either HDMI®, VGA, or Component.

    4. Screen Resolution: Choose the resolution that best matches the native resolution of your monitor.

    5. Monitor Orientation: Choose whether you would like the content to appear in Landscape or Portrait mode.

  2. Click Create once you are finished. You will be taken to the content editing page.

  3. Click Settings to change the properties of the presentation. In the Presentation Settings window, you can edit the Device Model, Connector Type, and Screen Resolution options you set when creating the presentation. You can also specify these additional parameters:

    1. Background Color: Choose the color that will appear on screen if there are no images or video. You can determine the color by selecting from a predefined set of colors in the drop down menu or by entering the hex value of the color you wish to use.

    2. Language: Select the language of the presentation.

  4. Click Zone Settings to change the properties of the Video or Images zone:

    1. View mode: Use the drop down list to specify a setting for videos.

      1. Scale to Fill: Scales the video to fill the screen without maintaining the aspect ratio. The video may appear stretched.

      2. Letterboxed and Centered: Centers the video and adds black borders on the top and bottom. The aspect ratio is maintained.

      3. Fill Screen and Centered: Centers the video and fills the screen. The aspect ratio is maintained.

    2. Audio settings: Use the drop down list to specify the type of audio you want to use in the zone.

    3. Image mode: Use the drop down list to specify a setting for images.

      1. Center Image: Centers the image without scaling. This may result in cropping if the image is too large.

      2. Scale to Fit: Scales the image to fit the zone. The image is displayed as large as possible with the correct aspect ratio.

      3. Scale to Fill and Crop: Scales the image to completely fill the zone while maintaining the aspect ratio.

      4. Scale to Fill: Scales the image to fill the zone without maintaining the aspect ratio.

    4. Initial volume (Audio): Sets the initial volume for audio files (0-100).

    5. Initial volume (Video): Sets the initial volume for video files (0-100).

  5. Drag the desired image files, video files, audio files, Dynamic Playlists, and Tagged Playlists from the Library and drop them into the presentation playlist field.

  6. For each media file or playlist, specify the following:

    1. Transition:(Images Only) Use the drop down list to specify a transition effect that will occur when the image times out.

    2. Duration:(Images Only) Specify the length of time (in seconds) that the image will remain on screen.

    3. Position: Enter the position of the item in the playlist and click Set. You can also edit the ordering of the playlist by dragging a thumbnail to a desired position.

    4. Player Tags:(Tagged Playlists Only) Use this drop down list to specify the player-tag matching behavior for Tagged Playlists:

      1. Do Not Match Tags (Default): All media in the Tagged Playlist will be played, regardless of player tags assigned to a player.

      2. Match ALL Player Tags to Media Tags: Media tags in the Tagged Playlist will be matched against all player tags assigned to a player: A media file must have all tag names and values that a player has; otherwise, that media file will not be played. 

      3. Match ALL Media Tags to Player Tags: Player tags assigned to a player will be matched against all media tags assigned to a media file. A player must have all tag names and values that a media file has; otherwise, that media file will not be played.

      4. Match ANY Player & Media Tags: Media tags in the Tagged Playlist will be matched against any player tag: As long as a media file has one tag name and value in common with the player, it will be played. 


  7. Save the changes you’ve made to the presentation by clicking the Save button.

  8. Create a new copy of the presentation by clicking the Save Presentation As… button.

  9. Click the Back button if you would like to exit without saving changes you have made to the presentation while on this page.

Editing Presentations

General Managers, Creators

You can edit a presentation by clicking the Edit button under the presentation name. You can only edit a presentation in the WebUI if it was originally created in the WebUI; BrightAuthor presentations and HTML pages have a "lock" symbol indicating that they cannot be edited in the WebUI. 

If you are updating a presentation that is already scheduled for one or more groups, and the presentation update includes new features, you may be prompted to update the firmware of players in the group(s) when you save the presentation. Click OK to save the presentation and have the firmware update download and run on applicable players. Click Cancel to abort both the firmware update and the presentation saving operation.

Using the Presentation Library

General Managers, Creators

The Library portion of the presentation page contains many options for viewing, searching, and changing the media stored on the BrightSign Network.

  1. Access content folders using the directory on the left. By default, all content uploaded using BrightAuthor is placed in the Incoming folder (You can move media files and create custom folders in the Library tab of the WebUI).

  2. Use the Search function to find media files contained within all folders and sub-folders.

  3. Click the X in the corner of a thumbnail to remove that media file from the BrightSign Network. A media file with a lock symbol cannot be deleted because it is currently being used in another networked presentation.

  4. Click the Add Files button to add images, video, or audio to the Incoming folder. You will then be able to move these media files to other folders and add them to the presentation:

    1. Once the Add/Upload File window opens, click Add File and select the desired image, audio, or video file(s). You can add multiple files to the upload queue using this method.

    2. Click the Start Upload button once you have added all the files you wish to upload.

    3. Click Close when the upload process is completed.

  5. Click the Sort By drop down menu to change the list order of the media files contained in the folder. You can organize the files in descending order by File Name, File Type, File Size, and Upload Date.

  6. Click the thumbnail drop down menu to choose between Small Icons, Medium Icons, and Large Icons. This will affect how many icons are displayed on each page.

  7. Select the Video, Images, or Audio tab to limit the folder contents based on file type.

Uploading an HTML Presentation

Creators, General Managers

You can add HTML-based presentations to your presentation library. You can then schedule the presentation for groups and publish them to players. In the WebUI, HTML pages act as standalone presentations, and therefore cannot be included as part of a playlist with other media. For this functionality, create and upload the presentation using BrightAuthor.

  1. Use a .zip file to encapsulate all HTML assets related to the page (including the .html file and all .css, .js, and media files). Ensure that the original directory structure is preserved.

  2. Click the Add HTML Presentation button. You will be asked to verify your account credentials.

  3. Enter the Webpage filename. This value must match the name of the webpage file exactly, or presentation creation will fail. This value is set to index.html by default.

  4. Click the Browse button to locate and select the .zip file containing the HTML presentation.

  5. Give the HTML-based presentation a unique Presentation name. An optional, default unique value is also generated.

  6. Select the target Model for the HTML presentation.

  7. Use the View Mode dropdown menu to specify the resolution of the target display(s).

  8. Select the Connector that will be used for the target display(s).

  9. Select a Language setting for the presentation.

  10. Check the Enable JavaScript Object Support box if you want the presentation to have complete access to the subset of BrightScript objects that are available to JavaScript. If your HTML page does not use the BrightScript JavaScript objects, we recommend disabling this feature for security reasons.

  11. Click Create to begin uploading the presentation. Once the upload process is complete, you can schedule the HTML-based presentation for groups like any standard presentation.

Presentation Properties

General Managers, Creators, Viewers

Click the Properties link to view additional information about a presentation:

  • Name: The name of the presentation

  • Creation Date: The date and time when the presentation was created in the WebUI or uploaded to the BrightSign Network from BrightAuthor

  • Date Modified: The date and time when the presentation was last edited.

  • Device Model: The player model configured for the presentation

  • Screen Resolution: The monitor resolution of the presentation

  • Connector Type: The audio/video connector configured to link the player with the monitor: Either HDMI, VGA, or Component.

  • Background Color: The color that appears on screen if there are no images or video

  • Language: The language setting of the presentation

  • Required Firmware: The minimum firmware version required to play the presentation. If you schedule the presentation for a group that includes players with firmware below this version, you will be prompted to update the firmware for those players.

  • Owner: This value is currently not used by the BrightSign Network.