Library Tab

Library Tab

The Library page allows you to add, remove, and organize audio, video, and image files stored on the BrightSign Network. Media files can be added to the Library manually (as described below) or automatically by uploading BrightAuthor presentations to the BrightSign Network. All media files contained within a BrightAuthor presentation are added to the library when the presentation is uploaded to your BrightSign Network account.

Adding Media Files 

General Managers, Creators, Publishers

Follow these steps to add media files to your BSN library.

  1. Select the Library tab.

  2. Click the Upload New Files button. The Add/Upload File window will appear.

  3. Click Add File and select the desired video, audio, or image file. You can add multiple files to the upload queue using this method. Each file in the list will display its size, file name, and an X.

  4. Click the X to remove a file from the list.

  5. Click the Start Upload button once you have added all the files you wish to upload.

  6. Click Close when the upload process is completed.

Removing Media Files 

General Managers, Network Managers, Creators

  1. Click the Library tab.

  2. Select the media file you wish to remove. You can select multiple files at a time. You also can deselect a file by clicking it again or deselect all files by clicking an empty space on the page.

  3. Click the Delete button.

A media file with a lock symbol cannot be deleted because it is currently being used in a networked presentation or Dynamic Playlist.

Media File Properties

If you would like to view more information about a media file, click the Properties link beneath the file name:

  • File Name: The name of the media item, including its file extension

  • Type: The media type of the file (image, video, or audio)

  • File Size: The size of the file, in kilobytes or megabytes

  • Upload Date: The date and time the file was uploaded to the BrightSign Network

  • Last Modified Date: The date and time the file was last modified on the client machine (if uploaded as part of a BrightAuthor presentation), or last added to the BrightSign Network (if uploaded using the WebUI)

  • Uploaded By: The user who originally uploaded the media file

  • Relates To: A list of Dynamic Playlists, Tagged Playlists, presentations, and Live Media feeds that are currently using the media file

Organizing Media Files

General Managers, Creators

The BrightSign Network features a folder directory system for keeping your media files organized. A folder for each user, along with a general-use Shared folder, is created by default. Media files that are added by uploading BrightAuthor presentations will be added to the Shared>Incoming folder.

  • To find a media file, enter all or part of the file name in the Search Files field and click the Search Files button. The search will be carried out in all directories, no matter which folder is currently selected.

  • To transfer a media file to another file folder, drag and drop the media file to the desired file folder in the directory. You can also transfer multiple selected files using the drag-and-drop method.

  • To create a new folder, first select the folder in which to create the new folder. Next, click the

    Create a New Folder button. Enter a name for the new folder and click Create.

Adding Tags to Media Files 

General Managers, Creators

Adding tags to media files allows you to create Tagged Playlists: You can use Tagged Playlists to dynamically build playlists based on a wide range of intuitive conditions. Follow these steps to add tags to a media file:

  1. Click the properties link beneath the file name.

  2. Select the Tags tab. 

  3. Use the System and Users buttons to switch between system tags and user tags:

    1. System tags have values that are defined by the BrightSign Network (such as the media file size and upload date); you cannot edit the title or value of these tags.

    2. User tags have customizable titles and text values. 

  4. If creating user tags, enter the Tag Name and optional Tag Value for the tag(s) you wish to add to the media file. 

  5. When finished, click Save to apply the tags to the media file. 

Note the following when adding media tags:

  • Omitting tag values: The Tag Value allows you to create flexible inclusion/exclusion conditions for Tagged Playlists, but it is not required for user tags. If you create tags without values, you will still be able to create Tagged Playlists that include media files based on tag titles.

  • Autocompleting names/values: If a similar Name or Value is already in use with another player tag, a type-ahead dialog will appear listing names/values that match what you've typed so far.

  • Tagging capitalization: You cannot use similar tag names with variant capitalization (for example, if "City" is already in use as a tag name, a new tag named "city" will default to "City" instead). On the other hand, tag values with variant capitalization are allowed.

Copying Tags

General Managers, Creators

You can use the Copy Tags feature to speed up the process of tagging media. Follow these steps to copy tags:

  1. Select a media file that has tags you wish to copy (this process will copy all tags that are associated with the file).

  2. Select the Copy Tags button (see the image below)

  3. Select one or more media files to copy tags to.

  4. Click  Save  to complete the copy.


Copying tags to a media file will overwrite any tags currently associated with that media file.

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