

This object allows the script to trigger events at a specific date/time or during specified intervals. Events are triggered by delivering roTimerEvent objects to the specified message port. The JavaScript equivalent is .setTimeout()/.setInterval().


SetTime(hour As Integer, minute As Integer, second As Integer, millisecond As Integer) As Void

Sets the time for the event to trigger. In general, if a value is -1, then it is a wildcard and will cause the event to trigger every time the rest of the specification matches. If there are no wildcards, then the timer will trigger only once when the specified time occurs.

Periodic timers that fire every second are not supported. The seconds and milliseconds parameters must be zero if there are any wildcards elsewhere.

SetTime(a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer)
SetDate(year As Integer, month As Integer, day As Integer) As Void

Sets the date for the event to trigger. In general, if a value is -1, then it is a wildcard and will cause the event to trigger every time the rest of the specification matches. If there are no wildcards, then the timer will trigger only once when the specified date/time occurs.

SetDayOfWeek(day_of_week As Integer) As Void

Sets the day of week for the event to trigger. In general, if a value is -1, then it is a wildcard and will cause the event to trigger every time the rest of the specification matches. If there are no wildcards, then the timer will trigger only once when the specified date/time occurs.

It is possible, using a combination of SetDate() and SetDayOfWeek() calls, to specify invalid combinations that will never occur. If specifications include any wildcard, then the second and millisecond specifications must be zero; events will be raised at most once per minute near the whole minute.

SetDateTime(date_time As roDateTime) As Void

Sets the time when you wish the event to trigger from an roDateTime object. It is not possible to set wildcards using this method.

Start() As Boolean

Starts the timer based on the current values specified using the above functions.

Stop() As Void

Stops the timer.

SetElapsed(seconds As Integer, milliseconds As Integer)

Configures a timer to trigger once the specified time period has elapsed. Unlike the absolute timer methods above, changes to the system clock will not affect the period of the SetElapsed() timer.


SetPort(port As roMessagePort) As Void

Posts messages of type roTimerEvent to the attached message port.


SetUserData(user_data As Object)

Sets the user data that will be returned when events are raised.

GetUserData() As Object

Returns the user data that has previously been set via SetUserData(). It will return Invalid if no data has been set.


GetIdentity() As Integer

Returns a unique number that can be used to identify when events originate from this object.

The ifIdentity interface has been deprecated. We recommend using the ifUserData interface instead.


This script uses the SetElapsed() method to create a timer that triggers every 30 seconds:

Sub Main() mp = CreateObject("roMessagePort") timer = CreateObject("roTimer") timer.SetPort(mp) timer.SetElapsed(30, 0) print "Start at "; Uptime(0) timer.Start() while true ev = mp.WaitMessage(0) if type(ev) = "roTimerEvent" then print "Timer event received at "; Uptime(0) timer.Start() else print "Another event arrived: "; type(ev) end if end while End Sub

This script creates a timer that triggers every minute using wildcards in the timer spec:

st=CreateObject("roSystemTime") timer=CreateObject("roTimer") mp=CreateObject("roMessagePort") timer.SetPort(mp) timer.SetDate(-1, -1, -1) timer.SetTime(-1, -1, 0, 0) timer.Start() while true ev = Wait(0, mp) if (type(ev) = "roTimerEvent") then print "timer event received" else print "unexpected event received" endif endwhile

This script creates a timer that triggers once at a specific date/time.

timer=CreateObject("roTimer") mp=CreateObject("roMessagePort") timer.SetPort(mp) timer.SetDate(2008, 11, 1) timer.SetTime(0, 0, 0, 0) timer.Start() while true ev = Wait(0, mp) if (type(ev) = "roTimerEvent") then print "timer event received" else print "unexpected event received" endif endwhile


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