Device APIs

Device APIs


Device Entity

The Device entity has the following properties:

  • Id int: (read only) The identifier and primary key of the Device instance.

  • Serial string: (read only) The serial number of the device. This is a unique alternate key for the Device instance.

  • Name string: The user-defined name of the device. This designation does not need to be unique within the scope of an account.

  • Description string: The user-defined description of the device. The description does not need to be unique within the scope of an account.

  • ConcatUnitNameAndSerial bool: A flag specifying the desired device naming method. A True value indicates that clients should append the device serial number to the device name. A False value indicates that the device name should have nothing appended to it.

  • CurrentSubscription DeviceSubscription:(read only) A DeviceSubscription instance representing the BrightSign Network subscription that is currently in use by the associated device.

  • TargetGroupId int: The identifier of the Group or BrightWallGroup instance to which the device is assigned. 

  • ReportedGroupId int:(read only) The identifier of the Group or BrightWallGroup instance that the device reported belonging to during its last synchronization with the server.

  • TargetBrightWallId int: The identifier of the BrightWall instance (belonging to the specified BrightWall Group instance) to which the device is assigned. This value is set to Null when the device is assigned to a Group instance.

  • TargetBrightWallScreenNumber int: The BrightWall screen number to which the device is assigned. This value is set to Null when the device is assigned to a Group instance.

  • ReportedBrightWallId int:(read only) The identifier of the BrightWall instance that the device reported belonging to when it last synchronized with the server. This value is set to Null when the device is assigned to a Group instance.

  • ReportedBrightWallScreenNumber int:(read only) The BrightWall screen number that the device reported belonging to when it last synchronized with the server. This value is set to Null when the device is assigned to a Group instance.

  • Presentation PresentationInfo:(read only) A PresentationInfo or BrightWallPresentationInfo structure that provides information about the current presentation (i.e. the presentation that the device reported playing when it last synchronized with server).

  • Model DeviceModel:(read only) A DeviceModel enumeration indicating the model number of the device.

  • Family DeviceFamily: (read only) A DeviceFamily enumeration specifying the model family of the device.

  • AutorunVersion string:(read only) The version of autorun script that the device was using the last time it synced with the server.

  • FirmwareVersion string:(read only) The version of firmware that the device was using the last time it synced with the server.

  • CardSize string:(read only) The total size of the device storage. This information is displayed in the format “{0} MiB” or “{0:F2} GiB” (where F2 is equivalent to a fixed-point number with two decimal digits (e.g. “1.75 GiB”)).

  • CardFreeSize string:(read only) The amount of free space on the device storage. This information is displayed in the format “{0} MiB” or “{0:F2} GiB” (where F2 is equivalent to a fixed-point number with two decimal digits (e.g. “1.75 GiB”)).

  • TargetTimeZone string: The string name of the time zone that the device should use.

  • ReportedTimeZone string: (read only) The string name of the time zone that the device reported using the last time it synced with the server.

  • ContentCheckPeriod DeviceConnectionsPeriod: A DeviceConnectionsPeriod enumeration representing the time interval between synchronization events, when the device checks with the BrightSign Network servers for content updates.

  • ContentDownloadsStartTime Nullable<TimeSpan>: The time each day (according to the reported time zone) when the device should begin downloading content from the BrightSign Network persistent storage. A Null value indicates that the device can download content at any time during the day.

  • ContentDownloadsEndTime Nullable<TimeSpan>: The time each day (according to the reported time zone) when the device should finish downloading content from the BrightSign Network persistent storage. A Null value indicates that the device can download content at any time during the day.

  • HealthReportingPeriod DeviceConnectionsPeriod: A DeviceConnectionsPeriod enumeration representing the interval between health-report events, when the device checks in with the server to report its status.

  • HealthReportingStartTime Nullable<TimeSpan>: The time each day (according to the reported time zone) when the device should begin sending health status updates to the BrightSign Network servers. A Null value indicates that the device can send reports at any time during the day.

  • HealthReportingEndTime Nullable<TimeSpan>: The time each day (according to the reported time zone) when the device should stop sending health status updates to the BrightSign network servers. A Null value indicates that the device can send reports at any time during the day.

  • LastContentCheckTime DateTime:(read only) A UTC timestamp indicating when the device last checked in with the BrightSign Network servers for content updates.

  • LastSyncSpecProcessedTime DateTime

  • LastContentDownloadStartTime DateTime:(read only) A UTC timestamp indicating when the device last began downloading content from the BrightSign Network servers.

  • LastContentDownloadEndTime DateTime: (read only) A UTC timestamp indicating when the device last completed downloading content from the BrightSign Network servers.

  • LastHeartbeatTime DateTime: (read only) A UTC timestamp indicating when the device last reported its health status to the BrightSign Network servers.

  • LastErrorTime DateTime: (read only) A UTC timestamp indicating the most recent time that the device reported a current error.

  • HealthStatus DeviceHealthStatus:(read only) A DeviceHealthStatus enumeration value representing the current health status of the device.

  • NetworkSettings DeviceNetworkSettings: A DeviceNetworkSettings structure containing network settings for the associated device.

  • LogsSettings DeviceLogsSettings: A DeviceLogsSettings structure containing logging settings for the associated device.

  • RemoteSnapshotSettings RemoteSnapshotSettings: A RemoteSnapshotSettings structure containing Remote Snapshot settings for the player.

  • EnableDiagnosticWebServer bool: A flag specifying whether the Diagnostic Web Server should be enabled on the device.

  • DiagnosticWebServerPassword string: A password for restricting access to the Diagnostic Web Server. For security reasons, this property will always return Null (even if it has a value) when called by the following device management web methods: GetAllDevices(), GetSpecifiedDevices(), FindDevices(), GetDevice(), GetDeviceBySerial().

DeviceSubscription Entity

The DeviceSubscription entity represents the application of a purchased BrightSign Network subscription to a device. It has the following properties:

  • Id int:(read only) The identifier and primary key of a DeviceSubscription instance.

  • AccountId int:(read only) The identifier of the BrightSign Network account that owns the DeviceSubscription instance.

  • DeviceId int:(read only) The identifier of the Device instance that is currently using the DeviceSubscription instance. This value can be Null if the subscription is not currently assigned to a device.

  • Type DeviceSubscriptionType:(read only) A DeviceSubscriptionType enumeration value representing the type of the DeviceSubscription instance.

  • Status DeviceSubscriptionStatus:(read only) A DeviceSubscriptionStatus enumeration value representing the current status of the DeviceSubscription instance.

  • CreationDate DateTime:(read only) A UTC timestamp indicating when the DeviceSubscription instance was created in the BrightSign Network.

  • ActivationDate Nullable<DateTime>:(read only) A UTC timestamp indicating when the subscription was activated by a device. This property is Null if the subscription has not been activated yet.

  • SuspensionDate Nullable<DateTime>:(read only) A UTC timestamp indicating when the status of the DeviceSubscription was changed to “Suspended”. This property is Null if the DeviceSubscriptionStatus is currently “Active”.

  • ExpirationDate Nullable<DateTime>: A UTC timestamp indicating when the DeviceSubscription will expire. This property is Null if the DeviceSubscription instance has not been activated.

DeviceLogReport Entity

The DeviceLogReport entity represents a single device log file stored on the servers. It has the following properties:

  • Id int:(read only) The identifier and primary key of the DeviceLogReport instance.

  • Name string:(read only) The name of the DeviceLogReport instance that is visible to end users.

  • Type DeviceLogType:(read only) The type of the DeviceLogReport instance. This value is represented by a DeviceLogType enumeration.

  • StartDate DateTime:(read only) A UTC timestamp that represents the beginning of the time range covered by the DeviceLogReport instance.

  • EndDate DateTime:(read only) A UTC timestamp that represents the end of the time range covered by the DeviceLogReport instance.

  • LastUpdate DateTime: (read only) A UTC timestamp indicating when the latest portion of the device log has been appended to the current DeviceLogReport instance.

  • FilePath string:(read only) An external URL indicating where the device log report file is saved in the persistent storage.

DeviceSubscriptionType Enumeration

The DeviceSubscriptionType enumeration can have the following values:

  • Grace: A free subscription that is created automatically for a device that connects to the BrightSign Network for the first time. A grace subscription lasts for 30 days and can only be used once by a single device.

  • Demo: A free subscription that can only be created by the BrightSign Network administrators. BrightSign network accounts are limited to a maximum of four demo subscriptions, and each device assigned a demo subscription has content downloads capped at 1 GiB.

  • Monthly: A commercial subscription that is valid for thirty days after the activation date.

  • Quarterly: A commercial subscription that is valid for three months after the activation date.

  • Yearly: A Commercial subscription that is valid for one year after the activation date.

DeviceLogType Enumeration

The DeviceLogType enumeration can have the following values (see this FAQ for more information about log types):

  • Event 

  • Playback

  • Diagnostic

  • State

DeviceSubscriptionStatus Enumeration

The DeviceSubscriptionStatus enumeration can have the following values:

  • Active: The normal operational status of a subscription.

  • Suspending: An intermediate status between “Active” and “Suspended”, indicating that the subscription is still operational but will be suspended in less than 14 days.

  • Suspended: The status of a subscription that is non-operational but has not expired yet.

DeviceConnectionsPeriod Enumeration

The DeviceConnectionsPeriod enumeration represents the interval of time between device-server communication events. It can have the following values:

  • Custom: The value assigned to all devices that are configured using BrightAuthor.

  • ThirtySeconds

  • OneMinute 

  • FiveMinutes

  • FifteenMinutes

  • ThirtyMinutes

  • OneHour

  • SixHours

  • TwelveHours

  • OneDay

The ThirtySeconds and OneMinute values may result in connection instability and are for testing purposes only.

DeviceNetworkSettings Structure

The DeviceNetworkSettings structure has the following values:

  • ProxyServer string: The host name and port of a proxy server for the device to work through.

  • TimeServer string: The URL of an NTP service endpoint or HTTP 1.1 resource that the device should use as a source for clock synchronization.

  • Broadcast string

  • Wired DeviceWiredSettings: A DeviceWiredSettings structure that contains wired connection settings for the device.

  • Wireless DeviceWirelessSettings: A DeviceWirelessSettings structure that contains wireless settings for the device.

  • WiredConnection Priority int: A number that defines the priority of a wired connection for the device.

  • WirelessConnectionPriority int: A number that defines the priority of a wireless connection for the device

DeviceWiredSettings Structure

The DeviceWiredSettings structure has the following values:

  • UseDHCP bool: A flag specifying whether the device should use DHCP to obtain settings for the wired connection. If the UseDHCP bool property is set to False, then the following properties should be defined:

  • IpAddress string: A user-defined IPv4 address for the device wired connection.

  • SubnetMask string: A user-defined IPv4 subnetwork mask for the device wired connection.

  • DefaultGateway string: A user-defined IPv4 default gateway address for the device wired connection.

  • DNS1 string: A user-defined IPv4 address of a preferred DNS server for the device wired connection.

  • DNS2 string: A user-defined IPv4 address of an alternate DNS server for the device wired connection.

  • DNS3 string: A user-defined IPv4 address of a second alternate DNS server for the device wired connection.

DeviceWirelessSettings Structure

The DeviceWirelessSettings structure has the following values:

  • Enabled bool: A flag specifying whether the wireless module should be enabled or disabled.

  • SSID string: The service set identifier of the wireless network to which the device should connect.

  • Passphrase string: The security key for the specified wireless network. For security reasons, this property will always return Null (even if it has a value) when called by the following device management web methods: GetAllDevices(), GetSpecifiedDevices(), FindDevices(), GetDevice(), GetDeviceBySerial().

  • UseDHCP bool: A flag specifying whether the device should use DHCP to obtain settings for the wireless connection.  If the UseDHCP bool property is set to False, then the following properties should be defined:

  • IpAddress string: A user-defined IPv4 address for the device wireless connection.

  • SubnetMask string: A user-defined IPv4 subnetwork mask for the device wireless connection.

  • DefaultGateway string: A user-defined IPv4 address of a default gateway for the device wireless connection.

  • DNS1 string: A user-defined IPv4 address of a preferred DNS server for the device wireless connection.

  • DNS2 string: A user-defined IPv4 address of an alternate DNS server for the device wireless connection.

  • DNS3 string: A user-defined IPv4 address of a second alternate DNS server for the device wireless connection.

DeviceLogsSettings Structure

The DeviceLogsSettings structure has the following values:

  • EnableDiagnosticLog bool: A flag specifying whether the device should generate a diagnostic log.

  • EnableEventLog bool: A flag specifying whether the device should generate an event log.

  • EnablePlaybackLog bool: A flag specifying whether the device should generate a playback log.

  • EnableStateLog bool: A flag specifying whether the device should generate a state log.

  • UploadAtBoot bool: A flag specifying whether the device should upload the current logs to the BrightSign Network during the boot process.

  • UploadTime Nullable<TimeSpan>: The time each day (according to the reported time zone) when the device should upload its current logs. A Null value indicates that the device should not regularly upload logs. The device can still upload logs during the boot process or via direct commands from the user.

RemoteSnapshotSettings Structure

The RemoteSnapshotSettings structure has the following values:

  • Enabled bool: A flag specifying whether the Remote Snapshot feature is enabled or disabled on the device.

  • CaptureInterval TimeSpan: The amount of time to elapse between each screenshot. This value can be between 00:01:00 and 24:00:00.

  • ScreenShotsCountLimit ushort: The maximum number of Remote Snapshot images allowed on player storage. Once this number is reached, the player will begin deleting Remote Snapshot images, beginning with the oldest first. This value can range from 1 to 100.

  • ImageQuality byte: The quality of Remote Snapshot images on the player. This value can range from 1 to 100.

  • ScreenOrientation ScreenOrientation: A ScreenOrientation enumeration indicating whether the Remote Snapshot images are landscape or portrait oriented.

ScreenOrientation Enumeration

The ScreenOrientation enumeration has the following values:

  • Landscape

  • Portrait

DeviceHealthStatus Enumeration

The DeviceHealthStatus enumeration has the following values:

  • Normal

  • Warning

  • Error

  • NoSubscription

DeviceError Structure

The DeviceError structure has the following values.

  • Timestamp DateTime:(read only) A UTC timestamp indicating the most recent time that the device reported a current error.

  • ErrorName string

  • ErrorEvent string

  • Reason string

  • ResponseCode int

DeviceDownload Structure

The DeviceDownload structure has the following values:

  • Timestamp DateTime:(read only) A UTC timestamp indicating when the device reported the current download.

  • FileName string:(read only) The name of the file that is being (or has been) downloaded by the device.

  • FileHash string:(read only) A SHA1 hash of the file that is being (or has been) downloaded by the device.

  • Progress int: (read only) A value ranging from 0 to 100 indicating the progress of the current download.

  • Status string:(read only) The status of the current download.

Device Management Web Methods

Devices can only be added to a BrightSign Network account automatically during the player setup process. Consequently, there is no equivalent CreateDevice() web method in the API. 

PagedList<Device> GetAllDevices(string marker, int pageSize)

Retrieves the next page of the Devices list, sorted by serial number. This method will return no more items than the defined page size.

Required Permissions

Device: View Devices

  • marker string: The Serial string of the last Device instance on the previous page. If the value is Null, then the method will retrieve the first page.

  • pageSize int: The maximum number of objects returned by the method. If the list of objects that match the search criteria exceeds the pageSize int limit, the returned list will indicate that it is truncated. If the integer is not positive, then the method will return the maximum allowed number of objects. Attempting to request more objects than is allowed will lead to the same result, but without an error.

List<Device> GetSpecifiedDevices(int[] deviceIds)

Retrieves a list of Device instances matching the specified identifiers. The list is sorted by device serial number. The identifiers of nonexistent Device instances will be ignored.

Required Permissions

Device: View Devices

  • deviceIds Int[]: An array of Id  int values for the Device instances being requested. The number of items is limited to 100 by the server. Attempting to request more than the maximum allowed number of objects will cause an error, while passing an empty array will lead to an immediate empty response without an error.

PagedList<Device> FindDevices(string namePattern, string marker, int pageSize)

Retrieves the next page of a Device list containing names matched with the specified pattern. The returned list is organized by Serial string and may not contain more items than the defined page size.

Required Permissions

Device: View Devices

  • namePattern  string : The exact Name  string of the Device instance (or its wildcard-based pattern). Supported wildcards currently include “*”, “?”, and “[‘and’]”.

  • marker string: The Serial string of the last Device instance on the previous page. If the value is Null, then the method will retrieve the first page.

  • pageSize int: The maximum number of objects returned by the method. If the list of objects that match the search criteria exceeds the pageSize int limit, the returned list will indicate that it is truncated. If the integer is not positive, then the method will return the maximum allowed number of objects. Attempting to request more objects than is allowed will lead to the same result, but without an error.

Device GetDevice(int deviceId)

Retrieves a single Device instance with the specified Id int. This method returns Null if a Device instance with the specified identifier does not exist.

Required Permissions

Device: View Devices

  • DeviceId int: The identifier and primary key of the requested Device instance.

Device GetDeviceBySerial(string serial)

Retrieves a single Device instance with the specified serial number. This method returns Null if a Device instance with the specified identifier does not exist.

Required Permissions

Device: View Devices

  • serial string: The serial number of the device. This is an alternate key for a Device instance.

PagedList<DeviceError> GetDeviceErrors(int deviceId, string marker, int pageSize)

Retrieves the next page of the DeviceError list, sorted by Timestamp. This method will return no more items than the defined page size.

Required Permissions

Device: View Device Errors

  • deviceId int: The identifier and primary key of the device reporting the requested errors. The method returns Null if a Device instance with the specified identifier does not exist.

  • marker string: The timestamp of the last DeviceError instance on the previous page. If the value is Null, then the method will retrieve the first page.

  • pageSize int: The maximum number of objects returned by the method. If the list of objects that match the search criteria exceeds the pageSize int limit, the returned list will indicate that it is truncated. If the integer is not positive, then the method will return the maximum allowed number of objects. Attempting to request more objects than is allowed will lead to the same result, but without an error.

PagedList<DeviceDownload> GetDeviceDownloads(int deviceId, string marker, int pageSize)

Retrieves the next page of the DeviceDownload list, sorted by timestamp. This method will return no more items than the defined page size.

Required Permissions

Device: View Device Errors

  • [deviceId int: The identifier and primary key of the device conducting the requested downloads. The method returns Null if a Device instance with the specified identifier does not exist.

  • marker string: The timestamp of the last DeviceDownload instance on the previous page. If the value is Null, then the method will retrieve the first page.

  • pageSize int: The maximum number of objects returned by the method. If the list of objects that match the search criteria exceeds the pageSize int limit, the returned list will indicate that it is truncated. If the integer is not positive, then the method will return the maximum allowed number of objects. Attempting to request more objects than is allowed will lead to the same result, but without an error.

bool RenameDevice(int deviceId, string newName, string newDescription)

Updates the Name string and Description string of the specified Device instance. This method returns True only if the operation was completely successful. Otherwise, it returns False.

Required Permissions

Device: Update Device

  • deviceId int: The identifier and primary key of the Device instance to be renamed. If a Device instance with the specified identifier does not exist, the method will immediately return False without an error.

  • newName string: The new name for the specified Device instance. If the string is greater than 128 characters, the method will return a descriptive error.

  • newDescription string: The new description for the specified Device instance. If the string is greater than 128 character, the method will return a descriptive error.

bool UpdateDeviceRemoteSnapshotSettings(int DeviceId, RemoteSnapshotSettings settings)

Updates the Remote Snapshot settings structure of the specified Device instance. This operation returns True only if it is completely successful. Otherwise, it returns False.

Required Permissions

Device: Update Device

  • DeviceId int: The identifier and primary key of the Device instance to be updated. If a Device instance with the specified identifier does not exist, the method will immediately return False without an error.

  • settings RemoteSnapshotSettings: A RemoteSnapshotSettings structure with updated values for the specified device. If this parameter is set to Null, then the method will immediately return False without an error. A descriptive error will be returned if the specified UploadTime Nullable<TimeSpan> value is less than 00:00:00 or greater than 23:59:59.

bool UpdateDeviceLogsSettings(int deviceId, DeviceLogsSettings settings)

Updates the log settings structure of the specified Device instance. This operation returns True only if it is completely successful. Otherwise, it returns False.

Required Permissions

Device: Update Device

  • DeviceId int: The identifier and primary key of the Device instance to be updated. If a Device instance with the specified identifier does not exist, the method will immediately return False without an error.

  • settings DeviceLogsSettings: A DeviceLogsSettings structure with updated values for the specified device. If this parameter is set to Null, then the method will immediately return False without an error. A descriptive error will be returned if the specified UploadTime Nullable<TimeSpan> value is less than 00:00:00 or greater than 23:59:59.

bool ReassignDevices(int[] deviceIds, int newGroupId, int(?) newBrightWallId, byte(?) newBrightWallScreenNumber)

Reassigns the specified Device instance(s) to the specified Group instance. You may optionally assign a single device to a BrightWall instance if the newGroupId value corresponds to a BrightWallGroup instance. This operation returns True only if it is completely successful. Otherwise, it returns False.

Required Permissions

Device: Change Target Group – Group: Remove Device, Add Device

  • deviceIds int[]: An array of identifiers corresponding to the Device instance(s) that should be reassigned. The number of passed items is limited to 100 by the server. Attempting to reassign more than the allowed number of objects will result in an error. Passing an array containing a Device Id int value that does not correspond to an existing Device instance will also result in an error. Passing an empty array will lead to an immediate False response without an error.

  • newGroupId int: The identifier of the Group instance that the Device instance(s) should be reassigned to. If this value does not match an existing Group instance, then the Device instance(s) will be reassigned to the default “Unassigned” group. A descriptive error will be returned if this value corresponds to a BrightWallGroup instance but a newBrightWallId and/or newBrightWallScreenNumber is not specified.

  • newBrightWallId int: The identifier of the BrightWall instance (belonging to the specified BrightWall Group) that the Device instance should be reassigned to. A descriptive error will be returned if this value is specified but the newGroupId corresponds to a Group instance.

  • newBrightWallScreenNumber byte: The BrightWall screen number that the Device instance should be assigned to. A descriptive error will be returned if this value is specified but the newGroupId corresponds to a Group instance.

bool ForceDevicesReboot(int[] deviceIds)

Enables the flags indicating that the specified device(s) should reboot during the next check-in event. This operation returns True only if it is completely successful. Otherwise, it returns False.

Required Permissions

Device: Reboot Device

  • deviceIds int[]:: An array of identifiers corresponding to the Device instance(s) that should be rebooted. The number of passed items is limited to 100 by the server. Attempting to reboot more than the allowed number of objects will result in an error. Passing an array containing a Device Id int value that does not correspond to an existing Device instance will also result in an error. Passing an empty array will lead to an immediate False response without an error.

bool CancelDevicesReboot(int[] deviceIds)

Disables the flags indicating that the specified device(s) should reboot during the next check-in event. This operation returns True only if it is completely successful. Otherwise, it returns False.

Required Permissions

Device: Reboot Device

  • deviceIds int[]:: An array of identifiers corresponding to the Device instance(s) that should be affected. The number of passed items is limited to 100 by the server. Attempting to target more than the allowed number of objects will result in an error. Passing an array containing a Device Id int value that does not correspond to an existing Device instance will also result in an error. Passing an empty array will lead to an immediate False response without an error.

bool ForceDevicesRecovery(int[] deviceIds, bool reformat)

Enables the flags indicating that the specified device(s) should download and run a recovery script during the next check-in event. This operation returns True only if it is completely successful. Otherwise, it returns False.

Required Permissions

Device: Recover Device

  • deviceIds int[]:: An array of identifiers corresponding to the Device instance(s) that should be recovered. The number of passed items is limited to 100 by the server. Attempting to recover more than the allowed number of objects will result in an error. Passing an array containing a Device Id  int value that does not correspond to an existing Device instance will also result in an error. Passing an empty array will lead to an immediate False response without an error.

  • reformat bool: A flag indicating whether the specified devices should also reformat their local storage.

bool CancelDevicesRecovery(int[] deviceIds)

Disables the flags indicating that the specified device(s) should download and run a recovery script during the next check-in event. This operation only returns True if it is completely successful. Otherwise, it returns False.

Required Permissions

Device: Recover Device

  • deviceIds int[]: An array of identifiers corresponding to the Device instance(s) that should be affected. The number of passed items is limited to 100 by the server. Attempting to target more than the allowed number of objects will result in an error. Passing an array containing a Device Id  int value that does not correspond to an existing Device instance will also result in an error. Passing an empty array will lead to an immediate False response without an error.

bool ForceDevicesLogsUpload(int[] deviceIds)

Enables the flags indicating that the specified device(s) should upload their current logs to the BrightSign Network servers during the next check-in event. This operation returns True only if it is completely successful. Otherwise, it returns False.

Required Permissions

Device: Force Logs Upload

  • deviceIds int[]: An array of identifiers corresponding to the Device instance(s) that should be affected. The number of passed items is limited to 100 by the server. Attempting to target more than the allowed number of objects will result in an error. Passing an array containing a Device Id int value that does not correspond to an existing Device instance will also result in an error. Passing an empty array will lead to an immediate False response without an error.

bool CancelDevicesLogsUpload(int[] deviceIds)

Disables the flags indicating that the specified device(s) should upload their current logs to the BrightSign Network servers during the next check-in event. This operation returns True only if it is completely successful. Otherwise, it returns False.

Required Permissions

Device: Force Logs Upload

  • deviceIds int[]: An array of identifiers corresponding to the Device instance(s) that should be affected. The number of passed items is limited to 100 by the server. Attempting to target more than the allowed number of objects will result in an error. Passing an array containing a Device Id int value that does not correspond to an existing Device instance will also result in an error. Passing an empty array will lead to an immediate False response without an error.

PagedList<DeviceLogReport> GetDeviceLogReports(int deviceId, DeviceLogType logType, string marker, int pageSize)

Retrieves the next page of the DeviceLogReport list associated with the specified Device instance. The list is sorted chronologically by the [DateTime] StartDate of the log report. A device log, represented by a DeviceLogReport entity, can be downloaded from persistent storage using the [string] FilePath URL of the entity. Note that these URLs point to un-archived files that are in OpenXML format and may be up to 2GB in size each.

Required Permissions

Device: View Device Log Reports

  • DeviceId int: The identifier of the Device instance associated with the listed device logs. If a Device instance with the specified identifier does not exist, the server will return a Null response without error.

  • logType DeviceLogType: The type of DeviceLogReport instances to be retrieved. Log types are represented with the DeviceLogType enumeration.

  • marker string: The name of the last DeviceLogReport instance on the previous page. If the passed string is Null or empty, the first page of the list will be returned.

  • pageSize int: The maximum number of objects returned by the method. If the list of objects that match the search criteria exceeds the pageSize int limit, the returned list will indicate that it is truncated. If the integer is not positive, then the method will return the maximum allowed number of objects. Attempting to request more objects than is allowed will lead to the same result, but without an error.

bool DeleteDevices(int[] deviceIds)

Deletes the specified Device instance(s) and releases the associated DeviceSubscription instance(s), allowing them to be reassigned. This operation returns True only if it is completely successful. Otherwise, it returns False.

If the physical device associated with a deleted Device instance reconnects to the BrightSign Network, the instance will be restored, but without the DeviceSubscription instance that was previously assigned to it.

Required Permissions

Device: Delete Device

  • deviceIds int[]: An array of identifiers corresponding to the Device instance(s) that should be deleted. The number of passed items is limited to 100 by the server. Attempting to delete more than the allowed number of objects will result in an error. Passing an array containing a Device Id int value that does not correspond to an existing Device instance will also result in an error. Passing an empty array will lead to an immediate False response without an error.


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