
The compositor object allows you to perform actions related to the video compositor.

compositor IDL

interface Compositor { void pause(int timeout_ms); void resume(); int getCrc(); };



Object Creation

To create a compositor object, first load the brightsign/compositor module using the require() method. Then create an instance of the screenshot class.

var CompositorClass = require("@brightsign/compositor"); var compositor = new CompositorClass();


void pause(int timeout_ms) 

Suspends graphics compositor updates for the specified number of milliseconds (or until the resume() method is called), up to a maximum interval of 10 seconds. While the graphics compositor is paused, no visual elements will be updated (except for HWZ videoscrolling tickers, and off-screen Chromium textures). Use this method to combine intensive graphics and layout operations into a single v-sync update.


Resumes the graphics compositor if it has been paused with the pause() method.


Returns the CRC of the Y and Cb signals as a single integer. This method allows the script to compare two moments in the graphics output: If the return values differ, then the output is not identical.