

The keyboard object allows you to configure the input for a USB keyboard connected to the player.

keyboard IDL

interface keypress { attribute String type; attribute Number keyCode; attribute String key; }; callback KeyboardEventCallback = void (keypress event); interface Keyboard { Promise<bool> isAttached(); Promise<void> setLayout(String layoutName); Promise<void> setNumLock(bool on_off); void addEventListener(String type, KeyboardEventCallback callback); void removeEventListener(String type, KeyboardEventCallback callback); };

Object Creation

To create a keyboard object, first load the brightsign/keyboard module using the require() method. Then create an instance of the keyboard class.

var keyboardClass = require("@brightsign/keyboard"); var keyboard = new keyboardClass();


This interface contains the following parameters:

  • type String: Type is always “keypress”

  • keyCode Number: The ASCII keycode as number

  • key String: The ASCII character for the keyboard event


This interface allows for detection and configuration of a USB keyboard.

Promise<bool> isAttached()

Returns true if a USB keyboard is connected to the player. This method counts a connected device as a keyboard if it reports having the following keys: "A", "Z", "0", "9", ".", and Enter.

Promise<void> setLayout(String layoutName)

Specifies the localized layout for the attached USB keyboard. This setting takes effect immediately and persists in the registry after a reboot. See this table for valid keymap parameters (players are set to "us" by default).

Promise<void> setNumLock(bool on_off)

Sets the numlock state for the attached USB keyboard if passed true. Reset the state if passed false.


var KeyboardClass = require("@brightsign/keyboard"); var keyboard = new KeyboardClass(); keyboard.isAttached().then( function(data) { console.log("***Is Attached***"); console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); }) .catch( function(data) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); }); keyboard.setLayout("gb").then( function(data) { console.log("***Layout set***"); }) .catch( function(data) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); }); 

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