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  • This line was added.
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This information is governed by the Terms of Service:

  • Current subscriptions include 1GB/player/month or 12GB/player/year for download.

  • Active storage on our service is currently not limited. 

  • Customers are responsible for the backup of their data and BrightSign makes no commitment to retain data that isn't currently in use.

  • Single file upload is limited to 5GB per file.

Can I display HTML pages without BrightAuthor:connected or BrightScript?


Yes, players are capable of displaying HTML pages by placing the index.html file, along with any required content files, in the root folder of the storage device. HTML presentations can be published using either the Standalone publishing mode (i.e., copying the files directly to the storage device and inserting the storage device into the player) or by uploading the files to the player's microSD card via the SD tab of the player's Remote Diagnostic Web Server.

Players support True Type Font files (.ttf) as well as Web Open Font files (.woff/.woff2) which can be added to the player's storage device. If no fonts are specified or provided, the player will use its default system font.

While BrightAuthor:connected is required to create multi-zone presentations, a limited set of interactive functionality is available for HTML pages via JavaScript BrightScript objects.

Do you need to use BrightAuthor:connected to create playlists?
