Versions Compared


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Without this information, we will not be able to can’t help you and your initial reply will just be more questions.   Links in this section will open in a new window so you can get more information while reading.

  1. The player model number, which can be found on the:

    1. Label on the player's box or the label on the bottom of the player

    2. Information screen output when the player is booted up without storage

    3. Info tab of the player's Diagnostic Web Server

    4. The unique identifier listed on (if the player is using BSN)

    5. Leave it blank if you cannot confirm If you are not sure what the model is or you are unsure, leave it blank. It's better for us to know you don't know this than give you advice that is incorrect or does not apply.

  2. A detailed description of your problem:

    • Good: "My XD232 was fine, then I published a new presentation from BrightAuthor and now it no longer displays anything. The red Error light is not blinking, and the player is not rebooting. It is just displaying black."

    • Bad: "I have a problem with my XD232."
      We know what model you have, but nothing about the problem you're having.  There is no way we can solve your problem without asking more questions first.

    • Worse: "Call me at 408 555 1212." We do have phone support options available (see this page), but even for phone support, it is still essential for us to know what your problem is about so we can get the appropriate resource(s) to speak with you.


  1. Include as much information about what you're using as you have available.

    • Player model. To get this,check the label under the player, or the information screen it displayed when powered up without storage installed, the Diagnostic Web Server Info tab, or the unique identifier listed on (if the player is using BrightSign Network).

    • Player firmware version. To get this, check the information screen it displayed when powered up without storage installed, the Diagnostic Web Server Info tab, or the firmware version listed on (if the player is using BSN), or in the Network section of BrightAuthor:connected, if you are using BrightAuthor:connected and logged into

    • Player serial number. Check the label under the player, the information screen it displayed when powered up without storage installed, the Diagnostic Web Server Info tab, or the Unique identifier listed on (if the player is using BrightSign Network), or in the Network section of BrightAuthor:connected if you are using BrightAuthor:connected and logged into

    • If you are using one of the BrightSign CMS services, specify whether you are using BrightSignNetwork or - they are not the same!

      • If you are using BrightSign Network, what is your BrightSign Network network/account name?

      • If you are using, what is your network/account name?

    • If you're using a third-party CMS system like Appspace, Signagelive, Tightrope Carousel, etc - check with their support first. Most times issues with third-party CMS systems are not hardware problems with the player, and the CMS provider knows how their system works the best. If you have contacted their support and they referred you to us, please indicate that.

    • If you're having a display issue, what is the manufacturer and model of the connected display?

    • If you're having a storage issue, what is the manufacturer and model of the storage card beingused?

    • Are you using Power Over Ethernet?  If so, is it PoE Type I, or PoE Type II (aka PoE+)?

  2. Is If this request is a follow-up or in reference to an existing support ticket?
    Please , provide the support ticket number.  This  This is especially important when submitting files or other assets via separate email so we can merge the information into the relevant ticket.

  3. Be certain about the information you provide. If you don't know the exact model number or firmware version of the player, that's fine. Don't select a random model or firmware version in the ticket properties if you're not sure, as incorrect information can lead us in the wrong direction and waste time.

  4. Describe the problem you're having in detail.  Don't make general statements like "it's not working" or "it's broken" - be specific about what isn't working or broken.  The more details you provide upfront, the fewer questions we'll need to ask and the faster we can reach a resolution.

    • Bad: Player won't work.

    • So-so: The player isn't showing output

    • Good: The player isn't showing output and the Err light is blinking

    • Better: The player isn't showing output and the Err light is blinking 10 times, pausing, then blinking 10 times again.

    • Best: The player was fine after I configured it, but after publishing my presentation, the player isn't showing output and the Err light is blinking 10 times, pausing, then blinking 10 times again.

  5. Include available diagnostic information if possible.  The system log from the player's Diagnostic Web Server at http://REPLACE_WITH_IP_ADDRESS_OF_PLAYER/index.html Log tab is a valuable tool for us.  Downloadit and attach it to your support request if you can.

  6. If your problem is related to a presentation you are publishing, including a download link to a zip of the exported presentation will help us identify issues in your presentation or media more quickly.
    The Export option is in the File menu of BrightAuthor or the BrightAuthor:connected desktop application. Be sure to export to a separate folder and zip the folder into a single file and send a link to that. It takes extra time for us to download individual files.

  7. If you have attempted your own troubleshooting, tell us what troubleshooting steps you have taken in detail. For example, if your player won't power up and you have tested it with a known-good power supply from a working unit of the same model, please tell us this. Knowing what tests you have already done and what their results were will let us jump straight to advanced troubleshooting or an RMA rather than spending time having you repeat tests that you have already done.
