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A Live Text state consists of an image overlaid with various text fields and/or media. You can layer both static text and updatable RSS and MRSS content on top of images and customize the position/size of items in relation to the background. You can even use Live Text to overlay content on top of a video in another zone.


  • Update Live Text Data: Click this button to have all Live Text Data fields display their current value.

Changing the Size/Positioning of a Live Text Item

Click the Image AddedAdd Item button to add a new text/media item to the Live Text canvas. You can then edit the size and positioning of the item:

  • Size: Adjust the size of a text field or item.
    • W: The width of the text field or item
    • H: The height of the text field or item
  • Position: Adjust the position of a text field or item.
    • X: The position of the text field or item on a horizontal axis
    • Y: The position of the text field or item on a vertical axis.


  • Offset next: Check this box to set an initial position for new items in relation to the most recently created item. Input the offset distance for the next text item in the X and Y fields.

Selecting the Item Type


Use the Type dropdown


menu to select the source of the content in the selected item:

  • Fixed Text: Displays simple, static text. A text field will appear below Text Type, where you can type your customized text. As you type, you can view the text in the preview image.
  • System Variable: Displays the device serial number, firmware version, script version, or other System Variable value. Use the dropdown list to determine which value you would like to display.
  • Live Text Data: Displays content from a Data Feed in the text field. The displayed Data Feed item will remain fixed and will not cycle through feed items like an RSS ticker (use the RSS Feed type for this functionality). However, you can still update the text in real time by modifying the feed on the server and changing the description associated with the item title or index.
    • Add Data Feed: Click this button to add a Data Feed to your presentation. You can use any feed type (RSS, Live Data Feed, MRSS, Dynamic Playlist) as Live Text Data, but you must specify the Data feed content usage as Text when adding the Data Feed.
    • Data Feed Name: Select the desired Data Feed from the dropdown menu.
    • Item title: Specify the feed item to display using the Title/Name of the item.
    • Item index: Specify the feed item to display using the index number of the item.

When you use the Item index, subsequent RSS text fields will automatically contain the next item in the index (i.e. the previous index number + 1).

  • Media Counter: Displays how many times a file in the presentation has played. Each Media Counter field must correspond to a specific file. Use the dropdown list to pair the Media Counter field with a file in the presentation. To use this feature, Media Counters must first be enabled: Navigate to File > Presentation Properties > Variables and check the box labeled Automatically create media counter variables.
  • User Variable: Displays the current value of a User Variable. Use the dropdown list to specify a User Variable for the text field. To use this feature, you must first create a User Variable.
  • RSS Feed: Displays content from an RSS feed. To edit the amount of time each RSS item is displayed, click Set Text Parameters and modify the Time to Display Each Line field.
    • Update RSS URL List: Click this button to create a list of Data Feeds to use as RSS sources.
    • Display RSS title: Check this box to display the title of the RSS item.
    • Display RSS description: Check this box to display the description of the RSS item.
  • Media RSS Feed: Displays content from a Media RSS (MRSS) feed.
    • Update Media RSS URL List: Click this button to create a list of Data Feeds to use as MRSS sources.
    • Display Media RSS title: Check this box to display the title of the MRSS item.
    • Display Media RSS description: Check this box to display the description of the MRSS item.
    • Display Media RSS media: Check this box to display the media item associated with the MRSS item.
    • Custom fields: If your MRSS feed contains custom text fields, this section will allow you to show or hide the custom fields as required.
  • Image: Select this option to display an image over the background image. Select Browse to locate an image file to use in this item.
  • Validate Live Text Data: Click this button to verify that the source URL for the selected Live Text Data item is valid.

Customizing the Item Text

Click the Set Text Parameters


 button to edit parameters for a selected text field. 

  • Alignment: Use the dropdown list to set whether the text is left aligned, right aligned, or centered.
  • Foreground text color: Click Choose to select a color for the text.
  • Background text color: Check this box to include a background color for text fields. Click Choose and set a default color for the backgrounds.
  • Transparency: Drag the bar to set the transparency for the background text color. 


    Transparency does not appear in the Live Text image preview or in Presentation Preview. You will need to publish the presentation to a BrightSign player to view the level of transparency.

  • Font: Click Browse to locate and select a font for the text. You can use any TrueType font. Click Reset to System Font to reset the font to the default.
  • Font size: Select Automatic to fit the text to the height of the text field, or select Fixed point size to enter a value for the font size (1 - 500).  


    The LS422, HD120, HD220, and HD1020 models support a limited number of Live Text items with custom font. If you need to display many items simultaneously, either display them with the system font or upgrade to another player model: The HDx22, XDx32, and 4Kx42 models support any practical number of text items with custom font.

Note that the default parameters of a text item will differ depending on how it is created:

    • The first text item will use the default text parameters set in the Edit Preferences window (Edit > Preferences > Live Text).
    • If you create a text item while another text item is selected, the new text item will inherit the parameters of the selected text item.
    • If you create a text item without another text item selected, the new text item will inherit the parameters of the last created text item.

If you choose to include a Background Text Color, the Transparency setting will be enabled, allowing you to edit the transparency of the Background Text Color. If you choose not to include a Background Text Color, characters in the text fields will appear over the elements beneath it.


Layering Items

Use the Layer buttons to determine the layering of your Live Text elements. The background image is always displayed behind all elements.

      1. Sends the selected element behind all other elements.
      2. Sends the selected element behind the element that is directly beneath it.
      3. Sends the selected element in front of the element that is directly in front of it.
      4. Sends the selected element to the front of all other elements.
  • Add Item: Click to add a new text field
      1. .
  • Previous/Next: Click these buttons to quickly switch between text fields. 

Live Text with Video 
