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titleTable of Contents
Table of Contents




As covered in the Start Here section, setting up a player for use involves applying a Setup to the player, and applying a Setup to a player using is known as provisioning.

When powering up a new or factory reset player that has previously been added to the provisioning libraryprovisioned, the player will automatically retrieve and apply the Setup associated with it.


If you intend to apply a custom Setup to a player (instead of the BrightSign Default Setup), it is generally recommended to add the player to the Provisioning Library prior to powering up a new or factory resetting an existing player.

If the player is not already in the Provisioning Library, the BrightSign Default Setup will automatically be applied to the player upon its bootup. Reprovisioning the player would then be required to apply a different Setup.


the Setup that was previously applied to it.

In many cases, it is best to provision the player prior to powering up the player. Players can be provisioned using the methods described below, and once provisioned, the player will configure itself per the applied Setup upon bootup.



  1. You must be logged in to a account.

  2. Note the player serial number, which can be found on the bottom of the player or on the side of the packaging box.

  3. Connect the players player(s) to an active network connection and to a display screen through HDMI®.

  4. The players player(s) must have a blank, properly formatted storage device.

  5. You must have a Setup (see this page here for instructions):

    1. Note the Setup name.

    2. Make sure that the Setup file is in the library (when creating the Setup, choose Add Setup File to Library).

  6. Do not power up the players yet. If the player is powered up prior to assigning it a Setup, it will configure itself using the BrightSign “Default Setup” if it is able to connect to

Provisioning Individual Players

Add Player

  1. Select Provision from the Admin tabGo to Admin > Provision.

  2. Select Add Player to add a player to the Player Provisioning librarylist. You will be prompted to enter the following information:

    1. Serial Number: The serial number of the player.

    2. Player Name and Player Description: An optional name and description for the player. If these are not specified, they will default to the values in the Setup you apply to the player will be used.


Apply Setup

From the Admin > Provision screen:

  1. Select the checkbox next to the player(s) you want to provision.

  2. Select Apply Setup:

    1. If the player(s) players have not been previously provisioned or set up already, they will download the appropriate Setup from the servers when they boot up.

    2. If the players have had a Setup previously applied, the new Setup will be applied to the player take effect only when it is that player has been explicitly reprovisioned.


It is important to note that Apply Setup strictly establishes what should be applied to the player when the player needs to be is reprovisioned. If a previously provisioned player reboots or even if it is factory reset, it will not adopt the new Setup until the player has been explicitly reprovisioned. Reprovisioning is covered below.

The Apply App URL option lets you assign an application, accessible via a player-accessible URL, to selected players in the list. At setupUpon boot up, the players will download the application package from the specified App URL and set up the player for that application.


You can also Delete Player(s) from the Player Provisioning library. Deleted players will automatically apply the BrightSign “Default Setup” when they first boot up.Players that have already been provisioned but are then subsequently deleted from the Player Provisioning library will continue to run the Setup that had previously been applied. If that player is then factory reset, it will search for a provisioning record upon bootup and if it doesn’t find one, the current Default Setup will be applied to itlist. If you delete a player's provisioning record, it will be disassociated from its BSN.Cloud network and will no longer automatically retrieve a Setup package from BSN.Cloud. When a player is booted up without an associated provisioning record, it will display an activation code, which you can use to create a provisioning record for the player. Other methods of provisioning the player are the BrightAuthor:connected Provision tab or the B-Deploy API.

Provisioning Multiple Players (Bulk Provisioning)

  1. Select Provision from the Admin pageGo to Admin > Provision.

  2. Select the download icon to download the Provisioning Template as a CSV file. Enter the:

    1. Serial Number (required)

    2. Player Name

    3. Setup name (required)

    4. App URL

    5. Description

  3. Save the CSV file.

  4. Select Upload Provisioning File to upload the saved CSV file. Once the file has been uploaded, players listed in the file will be automatically provisioned per the file.

  5. Review the player list for bulk provisioning and select Submit. The players will automatically download and apply the new Setups from the cloud.

Note that the CSV template includes a column for Setup File as well as App URL. If a player is desired to be provisioned for App URL, it can be done with a Setup where the Setup includes the App URL information. Alternatively, the App URL can be directly entered in the CSV file, negating the need for a Setup.

If a Setup File that includes an App URL is specified and an App URL is entered in the CSV column, the App URL in the Setup File will take precedence.

Default Provisioning

If a Setup file is not explicitly applied to a player, the player Default Setup will be provisioned with the “Default Setup” upon bootup. As mentioned, the “Default Setup” can be the BrightSign “Default Setup” or a custom defined Setup which has been named “Default Setup” (case and spelling must match exactly).


applied to the player when it is provisioned.


As mentioned above, Apply Setup strictly establishes what should be applied to the player when the player is reprovisioned. If a previously provisioned player reboots or even if it is factory reset, it will not adopt the new Setup until the player has been explicitly reprovisioned.

The reprovisioning process performs the following actions:

  1. Clears the storage device (typically a microSD card).

  2. Clears the registry settings used by but retains some register settings, specifically the player’s networking settings (e.g., WiFi configuration).

  3. Reboots the player

    1. Upon reboot, the player will download and apply the Setup associated with its provisioning record.

    2. If no Setup has been applied to the player, the player will boot to the Activate screen.

Reprovisioning a player consists of the following steps:

  1. Applying Apply a new Setup to the player.

    1. When a player is added (either via Provision > Add Player or via a Provisioning File using the Provisioning template) with no Setup explicitly applied, the Default Setup will be applied.

  2. Explicitly updating “Reprovision” the player so that the new Setup takes effect.

Apply a New Setup

To reprovision the player, first go to the Admin > Provision screen where you should see your player(s) listed. From here, follow the steps below.


  1. A pop-up will appear with a drop-down list of all the Setups in the Setup Library. Choose the desired Setup from the drop-down list and click Apply Setup.


Reprovision the Player



When a new Setup is applied to a player, the new Setup does not automatically go into effect on the player. After applying the Setup, the player must be explicitly updated reprovisioned (after which the player will reboot) in order for the player new Setup to be reprovisioned with the new Setupactive on the player.

Find the player in the Network tab and select the settings (gear) icon:


From there, navigate to the Control tab, Reprovision Player. Note the actions that will occur and select Update in the Reprovision Player section.


There may be a message asking to confirm that there is indeed a Setup that has been applied to the player. If a Setup has not been first applied to the player, the player will connect to to download and apply the Default Setup.

Deleting a Provision Record

  1. Go to Admin > Provision and delete the player from the Provision table by clicking the delete (trash can) icon.

  2. Go to the Network tab and find the player. Click the gear icon to access the player's RDWS.

  3. Navigate to the Control tab of the player’s RDWS and click the Reprovision > Updatebutton which will cause the player to reboot.

    1. Since no Setup has been applied to the player, the player will boot to the Activate screen.

  1. After the player has rebooted, go the Network tab and click the delete (trashcan) icon to delete the player from the network.

    1. This is more of a housecleaning step and while recommended, is not strictly necessary. If not done, the player will continue appearing in the Network tab but show an Inactive status.

Reprovisioning vs. Factory Reset

Users should understand some key differences between reprovisioning and a Factory Reset.


Factory Reset

Clears the storage device (e.g., microSD card)

Does not clear the storage device.

Clears most registry settings but importantly does not clear the player’s network settings (e.g., WiFi configuration)

Clears all registry settings including the player’s network settings.

  • If a new Setup has been applied, the new Setup will take effect upon bootup.

  • If a new Setup has not been applied, the player will boot to the Activation screen.

  • Does not affect the player’s provisioning record on The player’s Setup on record will be applied again after the player boots back up. Changing the player’s Setup requires reprovisioning the player.

Additional Info

Seethis videofor more information about provisioning players and creating player groups to display different Setups in different groups.