From our experience, partners that follow these practices have the most successful BrightSign integrations:
We want you to have a stable OS build that works for you. We encourage partners to test any BrightSign firmware releases to make sure it will work for their customers before upgrading.
We want you to report any issues so we can help you resolve them. Contact for support.
Partners, not their customers, should communicate with our support team if there is an integration issue.
Partners should try to use the latest OS builds if possible to get the latest bug fixes and newest features. This also allows partners to easily upgrade to our latest hardware.
We encourage partners to talk to us before making major changes to their existing integration, to make sure that BrightSign and the partners are aligned.
Partners should be aware that BrightSign may not fully test experimental features in components such as Chromium. This may affect stability if those experimental features are used as part of the integration.