Dynamic Playlists

Dynamic Playlists allow you to easily update media playlists in multiple presentations. For example, if you need to add a set of daily announcements to multiple presentations, and you don’t want to update each presentation separately, you can add a single Dynamic Playlist to all of your presentations. When you update the Dynamic Playlist, every presentation that includes the Dynamic Playlist receives the new content. In this way, a single update can reach multiple presentations.


Dynamic Playlists support a maximum of 500 content files. If you need dynamic playback of more than 500 files, create two or more Dynamic Playlists to hold the content.

Creating a Dynamic Playlist


You can create Dynamic Playlists in the BSN WebUI as well.  

Follow these steps to create and upload a Dynamic Playlist:

  1. Click the Create tab and select Dynamic Playlist.

  2. On the menu bar, click File > New Dynamic Playlist.

  3. Choose the Image or Video or Audio Only option for the Dynamic Playlist.

  4. Add files to your Media Library by clicking the Browse button and selecting a folder that contains the files you want to include in your Dynamic Playlist.

  5. Drag the desired media files to the playlist area.

  6. Click the Upload to Network button in the upper-right portion of the screen.

  7. You will be prompted to save the playlist. Click Yes. The Save As window will open. Type a name for your playlist and click Save. The Save Complete window will open. Click OK. The playlist will now be uploaded onto the BrightSign Network.


Dynamic Playlists containing audio can be added to Audio Only, Enhanced Audio, Video or Image, and Video Only zones, while Dynamic Playlists containing image/video content can be added to Images, Video or Images, or Video Only zones.

Updating a Dynamic Playlist

You can change the content of the Dynamic playlist at any point by opening the playlist (File > Open Dynamic Playlist) from the Create tab. Once you've edited the playlist, click Upload to Network to update it. All players using the Dynamic Playlist will be updated in real time.

Adding a Dynamic Playlist to your Presentation

Follow these steps to add a Dynamic Playlist to a presentation:

  1. Navigate to the Edit tab.

  2. Click the other tab under Media Library

  3. Drag a Media RSS item into the playlist area.

  4. When prompted to select a Data Feed, click Add Data Feed.

  5. Enter a Feed name. This does not need to be the same name given to the Dynamic Playlist.

  6. Under Feed specification, select Dynamic Playlist and choose the playlist from the dropdown menu.

  7. Under Data feed content usage, select MRSS Feed.

  8. Use the Update Interval dropdown menu to determine how often the player should check in with the BrightSign Network servers to update the Dynamic Playlist.

  9. Click OK. 

Dynamic Playlist Advanced Uses

Dynamic Playlist Behaviors

Dynamic Playlists support constant addition or removal of content. The deployment of all updates depends on the playlist's Update Interval value. When the update interval begins, the player communicates with the network to check the cached schedule against the network schedule. BrightSign players will always defer to the network for content scheduling.

When a Dynamic Playlist is updated such that it removes content, the change will be reflected instantly. When a Dynamic Playlist is updated with new content, the player will begin downloading the new files when a presentation containing the playlist begins. New content needs to fully download before it can be displayed.

BrightSign players only check for un-loaded content at the start of a presentation. As a result, it is possible that the presentation will call for content to play that has not completely downloaded. If content is not fully cached, the presentation will skip the item and continue with the presentation. When content is fully cached, it will display properly the next time the presentation calls.

Dynamic Playlist Preload

While Dynamic Playlists are powerful, due to the player content download behavior noted above, it can be difficult to have a presentation play as desired when adding or using content with large file sizes. In order to best solve this problem, it is recommended to set up a preload data feed.

A preload data feed utilizes the Dynamic Playlist and data feed behaviors to cache content before the start of playlist's presentation. BrightSign players will never delete cache contents that are required for presentations on the same day. A Dynamic Playlist can therefore be preloaded by adding the playlist as a hidden data feed in other presentations. The following example details how to set up a preload data feed: