Streaming Server

The Streaming Server module provides a UI–accessible over the local network–for streaming either HDMI input or files from the local storage of the player. This module is compatible with XTx43, 4Kx42, XDx33, and XDx32 models.

The Streaming Server module is currently available by request only. Please contact BrightSign support to get the necessary files.

The Streaming Server module must be manually loaded onto the player via an SD/microSD card. If you want to distribute a streaming server with BrightAuthor projects, use the Streaming Server plugin.

Running the Module

Follow these steps to run the Streaming Server module on a player:

  1. Rename the "Streaming" file to "".

  2. Copy the "" file to the root folder (e.g. "SD:\") of a blank SD/microSD card.

  3. Insert the card into the player.

  4. Ensure the player is connected to the local network via Ethernet cable.

  5. Power on the player and wait a few moments: The player will need time to unpack the .zip file, reboot, and run the autorun.brs script.

  6. Open a web browser and navigate to the IP address of the player at port 8008 (i.e. http://<player_ip>:8008). If you don't know the IP address of the player, connect a monitor to the player. The address will be displayed once the script is running. 

Using the Module

Once you've accessed the Streaming Server module, use the sidebar to navigate among the Status, StreamNetwork, and Device pages.


This page provides information about the player and its network/streaming configuration. 

  1. Streaming Server Status: Displays Streaming when the player is streaming and Stopped when the player is not streaming.

  2. Player: Provides information about the player hardware and software:

    1. Model: The model number of the player

    2. Serial Number: The serial number of the player

    3. Firmware Version: The firmware version of the player

    4. Application Version: The version number of the Streaming Server module

  3. Network: Provides information about the current network configuration of the player. Most of these settings can be changed on the Network page.

    1. Hostname: The hostname of the player. By default, the player serial number is used to generate a unique hostname (e.g. "brightsign-<serial_number>").

    2. IP Address: The IP address of the player, which can be acquired automatically via DHCP or set manually.

    3. Subnet Mask: The subnet mask of the player

    4. Default Gateway: The default gateway of the player

    5. MAC Address: The MAC address of the player. This value is printed on the underside of the player as well.


This page allows you to configure encoding and streaming parameters. Once you've configured the stream, click the Start button to begin streaming. If you wish to change the stream configuration, you will need to click Stop to stop the stream first.

  1. Source: Use the dropdown list to select one of the following:

    1. HDMI®: Streams video from the HDMI In connector.

      • If HDMI input audio is not working on your XT1144 player, update the BrightSign OS to version or newer.

    2. File: Streams a file from the local storage.

      • Files must be formatted as MPEG2-TS or MPEG4 for streaming.

    3. File Name: Use the dropdown list to select a file to stream. The file must be located in the streamCache folder on the local storage.

      • You can add files to the streamCache folder using the SD or MICROSD tab on the Diagnostic Web Server, which is accessible at the IP address of the player at port 80 (for example, “”).

  2. Loop: Check this box to have streaming playback loop to the beginning of the file when the end of is reached.

  3. Stream Options: Use this field to configure streaming parameters:

    1. Stream Type: Select Unicast or Multicast streaming.

    2. Protocol: Select the UDP or RTP streaming protocol.

    3. TTL: Specify the number of network switches or routers through which the stream can propagate.

    4. Destination Address: If you've set the Stream Type to Unicast, enter the IP address of the device receiving the stream. If you've selected Multicast, use an address in the range. For ease of use, you can include the last two octets of the streaming player IP address in the multicast address (e.g. a player IP address of would yield a multicast address of

    5. Port: Specify the port number of the destination address. Do not use ports 8888 or 9999 since these ports may be used by BrightSignOS.

  4. Encoding Options: Use this field to configure encoding parameters for the HDMI Input: 

    1. Video Codec: Select the codec of the transcode output. Currently, the only supported codec is H.264.

    2. Video Format: Select the resolution of the transcode output (up to 1080p60).

    3. Bitrate: Specify the bitrate of the transcode output.


This page allows you to configure the network settings of the player. Once you've made the desired changes, click Save to apply the new network settings to the player. It will take a few moments for changes to go into effect. If you change the IP address of the player, you will need to navigate to the new IP address in the web browser.

  1. Hostname: Specify a hostname for the player. By default, the player serial number is used to generate a unique hostname (e.g. "brightsign-<serial_number>").

  2. Domain Name: Specify a domain name for the player.

  3. DHCP: Choose one of the following:

    1. Obtain an IP address automatically: The player uses DCHP to obtain an IP address and configure itself on the local network.

    2. Use the following IP address: The player is configured manually using the fields below.

  4. IP Address: Enter a new IP address for the player.

  5. Subnet Mask: Enter the subnet mask.

  6. Default Gateway: Enter the default gateway.

  7. DNS Servers: Enter the DNS server(s). You can specify multiple DNS servers using a comma separated list (e.g. ",").

If you wish to discard the changes you've made to the network configuration, before saving them, click the Revert button.


Use this page to configure a Username and Password for the streaming server.