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An array of information about any network interface.


The properties that are displayed will depend on the type of interface. The interfaces entity contains the following required properties:

id string requiredThe type of network interface (for example,"wireless_wlan0" or "wired_eth0")

name string required: A target network interface name (for example, "wlan0", "eth0", "usb0", or "ppp0")

type string required: The player interface type (one of "Ethernet", "Cellular", "WiFi", "Virtual", or "Other")

proto string required: A configuration protocol or given network interface such as "Static" or "DHCPv4"

ssid string required: The wireless network name, which is required if the interface is WLAN.

These optional properties can also be used:

ip  string[] or null optional: An array of the target IPv4 addresses (in CIDR notation) to apply by the current network interface.

gateway string or null optional: An IPv4 address of the player.

dns string[] optional: An array of the device DNS addresses

rateLimitDuringInitialDownloads int or null optionalThe data rate limit for downloading content during initial downloads.

rateLimitInsideContentDownloadWindow int or null optionalThe data rate limit during content downloads.

rateLimitOutsideContentDownloadWindow int or null optionalThe data rate limitation when content is not being downloaded.

contentDownloadEnabled bool optionalIf true, content data can be downloaded using this connection. True is the default.

textFeedsDownloadEnabled bool optionalIf true, text feeds data can be downloaded using this connection. True is the default.

mediaFeedsDownloadEnabled bool optionalIf true, media feed data can be downloaded using this connection. True is the default.

healthReportingEnabledbooloptional: If true, uploading health reporting data is enabled using this connection. True is the default.

logsUploadEnabled bool optionalIf true, uploading log updates is enabled using this connection. True is the default.
ssidstringrequiredThe wireless network name, which is required if the interface is WLAN.

passphrase string optional: The wireless network password

security object optional: If this is provided, the following fields are required:

authentication object optional:

mode string optional: The possible network modes are "Shared", "Open", "EAP" or "Other". The default is “Shared”.

passphrase string optional: The encrypted password for the network, if any.

encryption object optional:

mode string optional: The possible encryption modes are "None", "WEP", "TKIP", "CCMP", "TKIP,CCMP" or "Other". The default is “TKIP,CCMP”.

wpaSettings object optional: If this is provided, the following fields are required:

enableWPAEnterpriseAuthentication bool: If true, authentication via 802.1x (for wired) or WPA Enterprise Authentication (for wireless) is enabled.

wpaEnterpriseVariant string: Either WPAEnterpriseEapTls or WPAEnterprisePeap

eapCertificateType string: Either WPAEapTlsPKCS or WPAEapTlsPEMorDER

eapCertificateFile object:  An artifact object that has a name (which is a string) and an asset (which is a certificate file). This can default to null if it is not applicable.

eapCertificatePassphrase string: A passphrase to protect the client certificate. This can default to null if it is not applicable.

eapPemOrDerKeyFile  object: An artifact object that has a name (which is a string) and an asset (which is a PEM or DER encoded X.509 certificate file).  This can default to null if it is not applicable.

peapUsername  string: The PEAP username for authentication. This can default to null if it is not applicable.

peapPassphrase string: The PEAP password for authentication. This can default to null if it is not applicable.

caCertificateFile  object: An artifact object that has a name (which is a string) and an asset (which is a PEM/DER CA certificate file). This can default to null if it is not applicable.
