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Diagnostics Tab

DELETE /v1/storage/:device/ 

Formats a storage device

You must disable the autorun before reformatting the SD card on your device.

To disable the autorun, use the PUT API /v1/control/reboot with body parameter { “autorun”:”disable” }, as described in this page. This can also be done in the local DWS Diagnostics tab.


Table of Contents

GET /v1/diagnostics/ 

Runs network diagnostics on the player and returns the result in JSON format.

GET /v1/diagnostics/dns-lookup/:address/ 

Runs a DNS lookup for an address, which can be a hostname or IP address.

GET /v1/diagnostics/ping/:ipAddress/ 

Pings the address passed in the request. This does not work for hostnames, only for IP addresses.

GET /v1/diagnostics/trace-route/:address/ 

Runs trace-route on the player. You can optionally pass the boolean query parameter ?resolveAddress to resolve IP addresses in the result.

GET /v1/diagnostics/network-neighborhood/ 

Returns the network neighborhood on the player.

GET /v1/diagnostics/network-configuration/:interfaceName/ 

Gets the network configuration on the player

PUT /v1/diagnostics/network-configuration/:interfaceName/ 

Applies a test network configuration on the player. You should use GET to get the configuration parameters before setting it using this API.

GET /v1/diagnostics/interfaces/ 

Returns list of applied network interfaces on the player.

GET /v1/diagnostics/packet-capture/ 

Returns the current status of packet capture operation. 

POST /v1/diagnostics/packet-capture/ 

Starts a packet capture operation

Request Body

  • filename string: The name of the packet capture file. If you don't pass this string, 'capture.pcap' is the default.

  • net_interface string: The name of the network interface for which we are performing packet capture. 'eth0' is the default.

  • duration int: The duration for which the packet capture runs in seconds. The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

  • maxpackets int: The maximum number of packets to capture before concluding the process. 0 is the default value.

  • snaplen int: The maximum size of each packet. Specifying 0 will instruct the function to capture the entire packet no matter the size.

  • filter string:  A field for conditional filtering of packets. This operation uses standard pcap syntax. This string is empty by default.

DELETE /v1/diagnostics/packet-capture/ 

Stops a packet capture operation

GET /v1/diagnostics/telnet/

Returns information about whether or not Telnet is enabled on the player, and the port number on which it is enabled if it is. This is only available in BOS 9.0.110 or 8.5.46 and above.

Request Example

Code Block
GET /api/v1/diagnostics/telnet/ HTTP/1.1
Host: {{player_ip_address}}
Authorization: Bearer {{UserAccessToken}}
Accept: application/json

Response Example

A successful response is a 200 and this response body:

Code Block
    "enabled": true,
    "portNumber": 23

PUT /v1/diagnostics/telnet/

This is only available in BOS 9.0.110 or 8.5.46 and above.

Request Body

  • enabled boolean: Enable or disable Telnet on the player

  • portNumber integer: The port number on which to enable Telnet

  • reboot boolean: This optional parameter reboots the player immediately after executing this operation. It is true by default.

Request Example

The example request parameters and headers are set as follows:

Code Block
PUT /api/v1/diagnostics/telnet/ HTTP/1.1
Host: {{player_ip_address}}
Authorization: Bearer {{UserAccessToken}}
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 75

This is the example request body:

Code Block
   "enabled": true
   "portNumber": "23"

Response Example

Code Block
    "success": true, 
    "reboot": true // Indicates whether the player will reboot 

GET /v1/diagnostics/ssh/

Returns information about whether or not SSH is enabled on the player, and the port number on which it is enabled if it is. This is only available in BOS 9.0.110 or 8.5.46 and above.

Request Example

The example request parameters and headers are set as follows:

Code Block
GET /api/v1/diagnostics/ssh/ HTTP/1.1
Host: {{player_ip_address}}
Authorization: Bearer {{UserAccessToken}}
Accept: application/json

Response Example

A successful response is a 200 and this response body:

Code Block
    "enabled": true,
    "portNumber": 22,
    "password": true // Indicates that a value is set

PUT /v1/diagnostics/ssh/

This is only available in BOS 9.0.110 or 8.5.46 and above.

Request Body

  • enabled boolean: Enable or disable SSH on the player

  • portNumber integer: The port number on which to enable SSH

  • password string: Sets the plain-text login password for the SSH connection

  • reboot boolean: This optional parameter reboots the player immediately after executing this operation. It is true by default.

  • obfuscatedPassword string: This optional parameter sets the login password for the SSH connection. The password should previously have been obfuscated using a shared secret. Contact to learn more about generating a key for obfuscation and storing it on the player.

Request Example

The example request parameters and headers are set as follows:

Code Block
PUT /api/v1/diagnostics/ssh/ HTTP/1.1
Host: {{player_ip_address}}
Authorization: Bearer {{UserAccessToken}}
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 65

This is the example request body:

Code Block
    "enabled": true,
    "portNumber": 22,
    "password": {{password}}

Response Example

Code Block
{ "success": true, "reboot": true // Indicates whether the player will reboot

Remote Snapshot Tab

POST /v1/snapshot/ 

Captures a snapshot of the currently played content on the player

Video Tab

Note that :connector supports only HDMI® and that :device is the numeric index of the output, which is currently only 0.

GET /v1/video/:connector/output/:device/ 

Retrieves information about the specified video output.

An example of :connector is “hdmi” (without the quotes), and an example of :device is “0”, for example:

GET /v1/video/:connector/output/:device/edid/ 

Returns the EDID information from a compatible monitor/television connected to the video output.

An example of :connector is “hdmi” (without the quotes), and an example of :device is “0”, for example:

GET /v1/video/:connector/output/:device/power-save/ 

Retrieves the power status of the monitor connected to the player. 

An example of :connector is “hdmi” (without the quotes), and an example of :device is “0”, for example:

PUT /v1/video/:connector/output/:device/power-save/ 

Enables or disables power-save mode on the monitor connected to the player.

Request Body

  • enabled bool: Whether the power-save mode on the monitor is enabled or disabled 

GET /v1/video/:connector/output/:device/modes/ 

Returns a list of all available video modes on the specified video output.

An example of :connector is “hdmi” (without the quotes), and an example of :device is “0”, for example:

GET /v1/video/:connector/output/:device/mode/ 

Retrieves the current video mode on the specified video output. 

An example of :connector is “hdmi” (without the quotes), and an example of :device is “0”, for example:


Code Block
GET /api/v1/video/hdmi/output/0/mode

PUT /v1/video/:connector/output/:device/mode/ 

Changes the video mode on the player. You should first send a GET request to find the body parameters of this API, but only the parameter below is required (all others are optional):

Request Body


Code Block
PUT /api/v1/video/hdmi/output/0/mode/{"modeName": "1920x1080x50p"}

Advanced Tab

GET /v1/system/supervisor/logging/ 

Returns the current logging level on the player. The default value is INFO.

PUT /v1/system/supervisor/logging/ 

Sets the logging level on the player.

Request Body

  • level int: The integer values correspond to the logging levels: TRACE (3), INFO (2), WARN (1), ERROR (0)

Registry Tab

GET /v1/registry/ 

Returns the entire registry dump. The hidden registry sections are not returned in this response.

Request Example

The example request parameters and headers are set as follows:

Code Block
GET /api/v1/registry/ HTTP/1.1
Host: {{player_ip_address}}
Authorization: Bearer {{UserAccessToken}}
Accept: application/json

Response Body

  • success bool: If the operation is successful

  • value object: The keys are the names of the registry sections. These are some examples:

    • brightscript string: The BrightScript key-value pairs

    • networking string: The networking key-value pairs

GET /v1/registry/:section/:key/ 

Returns a particular key value for a specified section and key.

Segment Values

  • section string: The name of the registry section

  • key string: The name of the registry key

Request Example

The example request parameters and headers are set as follows:

  • section is set to html

  • key is set to use-brightsign-media-player

Code Block
GET /api/v1/registry/html/use-brightsign-media-player/ HTTP/1.1
Host: {{player_ip_address}}
Authorization: Bearer {{UserAccessToken}}
Accept: application/json, application/vnd.bsn.error+json

PUT /v1/registry/:section/:key/ 

Creates registry values. Do a GET first to see which keys are available.


Applications rely on the values they have set in the registry. Please be mindful of what you type to avoid putting the player in an unstable state.

Segment Values

  • section string: The name of the registry section (for example, "html" or "networking")

  • key string: The name of the registry key

Request Example

The example request parameters and headers are set as follows:

  • section is set to html

  • key is set to use-brightsign-media-player

Code Block
PUT /api/v1/registry/html/use-brightsign-media-player/ HTTP/1.1
Host: {{local_ip_address}}
Authorization: Bearer {{UserAccessToken}}
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 33

This is the example request body:

Code Block
   "value": "0"

DELETE /v1/registry/:section/:key/ 

Remove the specified registry values.


Applications rely on the values they have set in the registry. Please be mindful of what you type to avoid putting the player in an unstable state.

Segment Values

  • section string: The name of the registry section (for example, "html" or "networking")

  • key string: The name of the registry key

Request Example

The example request parameters and headers are set as follows:

  • section is set to html

  • key is set to use-brightsign-media-player

Code Block
DELETE /api/v1/registry/html/use-brightsign-media-player/ HTTP/1.1
Host: {{player_ip_address}}
Authorization: Bearer {{UserAccessToken}}
Accept: application/json

DELETE /v1/registry/:section/ 

Deletes an entire registry section

Request Example

The example request parameters and headers are set as follows:

  • section is set to test_section

Code Block
DELETE /api/v1/registry/test_section/ HTTP/1.1
Host: {{player_ip_address}}
Authorization: Bearer {{UserAccessToken}}
Accept: application/json

GET  /v1/registry/recovery_url/ 

Retrieves the recovery URL stored in the player registry

Request Example

  • recovery_url is the recovery URL in the player registry

Code Block
GET /api/v1/registry/recovery_url/ HTTP/1.1
Host: {{player_ip_address}}
Authorization: Bearer {{UserAccessToken}}
Accept: application/json

Response Body

  • success bool: A flag indicating whether the request was successfully read

  • value string: The recovery URL

PUT /v1/registry/recovery_url/ 

Updates the recovery URL in the player’s registry. 

Request Body

  • url string: The value of the recovery URL 

Request Example

The example request parameters and headers are set as follows:

  • url is set to

Code Block
PUT /api/v1/registry/recovery_url/ HTTP/1.1
Host: {{player_ip_address}}
Authorization: Bearer {{UserAccessToken}}
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 37

Request Body

Code Block
   "url": ""


Table of Contents