Versions Compared


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These endpoints allow users to automatically provision BrightSign players over the internet.

Base URL for these endpoints:



Retrieves a player setup from the B-Deploy server.

URL Parameters

  • username string: The username of the player setups to retrieve.

  • _id string: The unique identifier of the player setup to retrieve. If this parameter is not included in the URL, the GET request will return all player setups associated with the username.



  • username is set to

  • _id is set to 12345

Code Block
GET /rest-setup/v2/setup/? HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: {{Bearer Token}}


Success Response Body

200: Contains a single player setup if the _id is specified in the URL; otherwise, this property contains the following:

  • total int: The total number of player setups that belong to the B-Deploy account

    • matched int: The number of player setups contained in the response

    • deviceSetups deviceSetup[ ]: The Device Setup Entity (v2)

Failure Response

400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method.

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error



The following list includes only required properties for player setup creation.

  • version string: The B-Deploy Cloud version. This value should currently be "2.0.0".

  • setupType stringThe player setup type: "bsn", "lfn", "sfn", "standalone", or “partnerApplication”

  • bsnGroupName string: The name of the group to which provisioned players will be assigned. This value defaults to the "Default" group if undefined.

  • url string: An optional value of the Partner Application URL specified for a player to use when finding the application to download.

  • remoteDwsEnabled bool: A flag indicating whether the Remote DWS is enabled or disabled on the player

  • bDeploy bDeploy[ ]: A B-Deploy Entity (v2)

  • bsnDeviceRegistrationTokenEntity tokenEntity[ ]: The registration token that is used to register the player with a network (see Token Entity (v2)). See this page for information about how to get a user access token.


Success Response

200: The unique identifier of the player setup object

Failure Response

400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

415: The server cannot accept the data representation that you sent (as specified in the header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error


Updates an existing player setup on the B-Deploy server. You must include the _id property in the player setup object to specify the player setup to update.

Request Body

  • _id string: The unique identifier of the player setup object to modify

  • version string: The B-Deploy Cloud version. This value should currently be "2.0.0".

  • setupType string: The player setup type. This value is currently always "bsn".

  • bsnGroupName string: The name of the group to which provisioned players will be assigned. This value defaults to the "Default" group if undefined.

  • url string: An optional value of the Partner Application URL specified for a player to use when finding the application to download.

  • remoteDwsEnabled bool: A flag indicating whether the Remote DWS is enabled or disabled on the player

  • bDeploy bDeploy[ ]: A B-Deploy Entity (v2)

  • bsnDeviceRegistrationTokenEntity tokenEntity{ }: A Token Entity (v2)


Success Response

200: The existing player setup has been updated

Failure Response

400: Either the request or request body is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

415: The server cannot accept the data representation that you sent (as specified in the header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error


Deletes a player setup from the B-Deploy server.

URL Parameters

  • _id string: The unique identifier of the player setup to delete


Request Example

  • _id is set to 1234567890

Code Block
DELETE /rest-setup/v2/setup/?_id=1234567890 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: {{Bearer Token}}


Success Response

200: The specified player setup has been removed

Failure Response

400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error