Versions Compared


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Code Block
interface chardisplayCharDisplay {
    Promise<void> Showshow(in unsigned long row, in unsigned long col, in DOMString text)
    Promise<void> Clearclear()
    Promise<void> SetPossetPos(in unsigned long row, in unsigned long col)
    Promise<void> SetCursorsetCursor(in unsigned long cursor) // 0=off, 1=blink, 2=underline, 3=both
    Promise<void> SetContrastsetContrast(in unsigned long contrast) // 0-100
    Promise<int> GetContrastgetContrast()
    Promise<void> SetBrightnesssetBrightness(in unsigned long brightness) // 0-100
    Promise<int> GetBrightnessgetBrightness()

Object Creation

To create a chardisplay object, load the @brightsign/chardisplay module using the Node.js® require() method:
