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Table of Contents


PagedList<Content> GetAllContent(string marker, int pageSize)

Retrieves the next page of the Content list, sorted alphabetically by [string] FileName. The returned list will contain no more items than the defined page size. This method only supports retrieval of image, audio, and video file types.

Required Permissions

Content: View Content


Retrieves all levels of subfolders that are part of the parent ContentFolder entity, which is specified using its virtual path. The returned list will contain no more items than the defined page size.

Required Permissions:

  • Content: View Content


  • [string] virtualPath: The virtual path of the parent ContentFolder entity containing the requested subfolders. The root virtual path is “\”.


Retrieves the first level of files within the parent ContentFolder entity, which is specified using its virtual path. The returned list is organized by File Name and may not contain more items than the defined page size. This method only supports retrieval of image, audio, and video file types.

Required Permissions

Content: View Content

  • [string] virtualPath: The virtual path of the parent ContentFolder entity. The root virtual path is “\”.
  • [string] marker: The [string] FileName of the last Content instance on the previous page. If the value is Null, then the method will retrieve the first page.
  • [int] pageSize: The maximum number of objects returned by the method. If the list of objects that match the search criteria exceeds the [int] pageSize limit, the returned list will indicate that it is truncated. If the integer is not positive, then the method will return the maximum allowed number of objects. Attempting to request more objects than is allowed will lead to the same result, but without an error.


Retrieves a list of Content instances matching the specified identifiers. The results are sorted alphabetically by Content [string] FileName. The identifiers of nonexistent Content instances will be ignored.

Required Permissions

Content: View Content

  • [Int[]] contentIds: An array of [int] Id values for the Content instances being requested. The maximum number of items is limited to 100 by the server. Attempting to request more than the maximum allowed number of objects will cause an error, while passing an empty array will lead to an immediate empty response without an error.


Retrieves the next page of a Content list containing file names matched with the specified pattern. The returned list is organized by [string] FileName and may not contain more items than the defined page size. This method only supports retrieval of image, audio, and video file types.

Required Permissions

Content: View Content

  • [string] fileNamePattern: The exact [string] FileName of the Content instance (or its wildcard-based pattern). Supported wildcards currently include “*”, “?”, and “[‘and’]”.
  • [string] marker: The [string] FileName of the last Content instance on the previous page.
  • [int] pageSize: The maximum number of objects returned by the method. If the list of objects that match the search criteria exceeds the [int] pageSize limit, the returned list will indicate that it is truncated. If the integer is not positive, then the method will return the maximum allowed number of objects. Attempting to request more objects than is allowed will lead to the same result, but without an error.


Retrieves a single Content instance with the specified identifier. This method returns Null if there are no Content instances containing the specified identifier. This method only supports retrieval of image, audio, and video file types.

Required Permissions

Content: View Content

  • [int] contentId: The identifier and primary key of the associated Content instance.


Creates a new virtual folder within the BSN Library. The folder will have a specified name and location defined by its virtual path. This method returns the newly created object with all initialized properties (or Null if an error occurs during the creation process).

Required Permissions

Content: View Content

  • [ContentFolder] entity: A ContentFolder instance with an initialized [string] Name, [string] VirtualPath, and [string] ThumbPath (if needed). All other property values for the ContentFolder instance will be ignored. If this parameter is set to Null, then the method will immediately return Null without error. A descriptive error will be returned to the client if any of the following conditions occur:
    • The [string] VirtualPath of the initialized ContentFolder does not contain a leading slash(“\”).
    • The [string] ThumbPath does not begin with an absolute URI (i.e. “http://” or “https://”).
    • The [string] Name of the initialized ContentFolder is more than 128 characters.
    • A ContentFolder instance within the same parent folder has the same name.


Moves the specified Content and/or ContentFolder instances to the specified virtual folder. This method returns True upon success and False upon failure.

Required Permissions

Content: Update Content

  • [int[]] contentIds: An array of [int] Id values for the Content and/or ContentFolder instances that will be updated. The number of items is limited to 100 by the server. Attempting to request more than the maximum allowed number of objects will cause an error. If the client passes an empty array, or if none of the identifiers in the array match existing content instances, the server will immediately return an empty response without an error.
  • [string] newVirtualPath: The new virtual path for the specified Content and/or ContentFolder instances (e.g. “\Shared\Incoming\”).


Note that this method only supports retrieval of image, audio, and video file types. Also note that when using this method to check whether a Content instance can be deleted, a False (“not in use”) status may change in the time between calling this method and calling DeleteContent().

Required Permissions

Content: View Content

  • [int] contentId: The identifier and primary key of the associated Content instance. If there are no Content instances with the specified identifier, this method will return False without an error.


Deletes the specified Content and ContentFolder instances, as well as any associated files, in both the database and persistent storage. This method returns True only if the operation was completely successful. None of the affected instances can be in use by any Presentation, Dynamic Playlist, Web Page, or Device Webpage. In these cases a descriptive error will be returned to the client.

Required Permissions

Content: Delete Content

  • [int[]] contentIds: An array of [int] Id values reflecting the Content instances to be deleted. The maximum number of items is limited to 100 by the server. Attempting to request more than the allowed number of objects will cause an error. A descriptive error will be returned if one or more Content [int] Id is invalid. If the client passes an empty array, or if none of the identifiers in the array match existing content instances, the server will immediately return an empty response without an error.
