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The LiveTextFeed entity has the following properties:

  • [int] Id:(read only) The identifier and primary key of the LiveTextFeed instance.
  • [string] Name: The user-defined name of the LiveTextFeed instance. This alternate key must be unique in the scope of the BSN account.
  • [string] PhysicalPath:(read only) The external URL of the associated RSS file in persistent storage.
  • [long] FileSize:(read only) The size of the associated RSS file in bytes.
  • [string] FileHash:(read only): A SHA1 hash of the associated RSS file contents.
  • [DateTime] CreationDate:(read only) A UTC timestamp indicating when the Live Text Feed was created in the BrightSign Network.
  • [Dictionary<string,string>] Contents: A list of key-value pairs that make up the Live Text Feed. This list is set to Null when not initialized by the server.
  • [PresentationInfo[]] Presentations:(read only) An array of PresentationInfo structures that denote parent presentations.
  • [LiveTextFeedItem[]] Items: An array of LiveTextFeedItem entity-relations that reference individual items within the Live Text Feed. This list is set to Null when not initialized by the server.


The LiveTextFeedItem entity-relation represents a single Live Text Feed item. It has the following properties:

  • [string] Title: The key (RSS item title) of the item in the associated Live Text Feed.
  • [string] Description: The value (RSS item description) of the item in the associated Live Text Feed.
  • [DateTime] ValidityStartDate: A value that determines the validity start date for the item (i.e. the point at which the item will start being displayed in the Live Text Feed). A Null value determines that the item is valid from the moment it is added to the Live Text Feed; this is the standard case for most items.
  • [DateTime] ValidityEndDate: A value that determines the validity end date for the associated item (i.e. the point at which the item will no longer be displayed in the Live Text Feed). A Null value determines that the item will be valid until it is removed from the Live Text Feed manually by the user; this is the standard case for most items.


Retrieves the next page of the LiveTextFeed list, sorted by [string] Name. The returned list will contain no more items than the defined page size.


Live Text Feed: View Live Text Feeds

  • [string] marker: The [string] Name of  of the last LiveTextFeed instance on the previous page. If the value is Null, then the method will retrieve the first page.
  • [int] pageSize: The maximum number of objects returned by the method. If the list of objects that match the search criteria exceeds the [int] pageSize limit limit, the returned list will indicate that it is truncated. If the integer is not positive, then the method will return the maximum allowed number of objects. Attempting to request more objects than is allowed will lead to the same result, but without an error.


Retrieves a list of LiveTextFeed instances matching the specified identifiers, sorted by [string] Name. The identifiers of nonexistent LiveTextFeed instances will be ignored.


Live Text Feed: View Live Text Feeds

  • [int[]] liveTextFeedIds: An array of [int] Id values  values for the LiveTextFeed instances being requested. The number of returned items is limited to 100 by the server. Attempting to request more than the maximum allowed number of objects will cause an error, while passing an empty array will lead to an immediate empty response without an error.


Retrieves the next page of a LiveTextFeed list containing names matched with the specified pattern. The returned list is organized by [string] Name and  and may not contain more items than the defined page size.


Live Text Feed: View Live Text Feeds

  • [string] namePattern: The exact [string] Name of  of the LiveTextFeed instance (or its wildcard-based pattern). Supported wildcards currently include “*”, “?”, and “[‘and’]”.
  • [string] marker: The [string] Name of  of the last LiveTextFeed instance on the previous page. If the value is Null, then the method will retrieve the first page.
  • [int] pageSize: The maximum number of objects returned by the method. If the list of objects that match the search criteria exceeds the [int] pageSize limit limit, the returned list will indicate that it is truncated. If the integer is not positive, then the method will return the maximum allowed number of objects. Attempting to request more objects than is allowed will lead to the same result, but without an error.


Retrieves a single LiveTextFeed instance with the specified [int] Id. This method returns Null if the LiveTextFeed instance with the specified identifier does not exist.


Live Text Feed: View Live Text Feed, View Contents

  • [int] liveTextFeedId: The identifier and primary key of the LiveTextFeed instance to be retrieved.
  • [bool] loadContent: A flag specifying whether the method should also initialize and return the items (i.e. key value pairs) of the Live Text Feed.


Live Text Feed: View Live Text Feed, View Contents

  • [string] name: The user-defined Name of the LiveTextFeed instance to be retrieved
  • [bool] loadContent: A flag specifying whether the method should also initialize and return the items (i.e. key value pairs) of the Live Text Feed.


Determines whether the specified Live Text Feed [string] Name is  is currently in use. This method returns True if a Live Text Feed with the specified name currently exists.

Note that when using this method to check whether a LiveTextFeed instance can be created, a False status may change in the time between calling this method and calling CreateLiveTextFeed().

Required Permissions


  • [string] name: The Live Text Feed Name value to be evaluated.


Note that when using this method to check whether a LiveTextFeed instance can be deleted, a False status may change in the time between calling this method and calling DeleteLiveTextFeed().

Required Permissions

Live Text Feed: View Live Text Feed

  • [int] liveTextFeedId: The identifier and primary key of the LiveTextFeed instance to evaluate. If a LiveTextFeed instance with the specified [int] Id does  does not exist, this method will return False without an error.


Note that when using this method to check whether a LiveTextFeed instance can be deleted, a False status may change in the time between calling this method and calling DeleteLiveTextFeed().

Required Permissions

Live Text Feed: View Live Text Feed

  • [string] name: The user-defined name of the LiveTextFeed instance to evaluate. If a LiveTextFeed instance with the specified [string] Name does  does not exist, this method will return False without an error.


Creates a new LiveTextFeed instance and related RSS file with the specified [string] Name and  and [LiveTextFeedItem[]] Items parameters parameters. This method returns the created object with all initialized properties if successful. If an error occurs during the creation process, the method will return Null.


Live Text Feed: Create Live Text Feed

  • [LiveTextFeed] entity: A LiveTextFeed object instance with initialized Name and Items  parameters. All other properties will be ignored during object creation. If this parameter is set to Null, then the method will immediately return Null without an error. A descriptive error will be returned to the client if the LiveTextFeed name is more than 50 characters or if another LiveTextFeed instance has the same name.


Live Text Feed: Create Live Text Feed

  • [string] feedUrl: An external URL of a publicly available RSS feed. The RSS Title will be used as the LiveTextFeed instance name and the RSS title-description pairs will converted to key-value pairs. If this parameter is Null or invalid, then the method will immediately return Null without an error. This method will return a descriptive error if the string length of the RSS channel title, plus the “Copy ({index}) of” prefix, exceeds 50 characters.
bool UpdateLiveTextFeed(LiveTextFeed entity)

Updates the [string] Name and  and [LiveTextFeedItem[]] Items parameters  parameters of the specified LiveTextFeed instance and related RSS file. This method returns True only if completely successful. Otherwise, it returns False.


Live Text Feed: View Live Text Feed

  • [LiveTextFeed] entity: A LiveTextFeed object instance containing the [int] Id of  of the instance to update, as well as the new [string] Name and  and [LiveTextFeedItem[]] Items parameters  parameters for the updated instance. If this parameter is Null or invalid, then the method will immediately return Null without an error. A descriptive error will be returned if any of the following conditions occur:
    • The [int] Id does  does not correspond to an existing LiveTextFeed instance.
    • The length of the specified LiveTextFeed instance [string] Name exceeds  exceeds 50 characters.
    • The specified [string] Name is  is currently in use by another LiveTextFeed instance.
    • The key strings in the key-value pairs are not unique.
    • The number of key-value pairs in the object instance surpasses the limit defined on the server.
bool RenameLiveTextFeed(int liveTextFeedId, string newName)

Updates the [string] Name of  of the specified LiveTextFeed instance. This method returns True upon success and False upon failure.


Live Text Feed: Update Live Text Feed, Rename Live Text Feed

  • [int] LiveTextFeedId: The identifier and primary key of the LiveTextFeed instance. If a LiveTextFeed instance with the specified identifier does not exist, the method will return False without an error.
  • [string] newName: A new Name parameter for the specified LiveTextFeed instance. A descriptive error will be returned if the new Name string is greater than 50 characters.


Live Text Feed: Delete Live Text Feed

  • [int[]] liveTextFeedIds: An array of [int] Id values  values for the LiveTextFeed instances to be deleted. The number of requested items is limited to 100 by the server. Attempting to request more than the maximum allowed number of objects will cause an error. An error will also be returned if an [int] Id parameter does not correspond to an existing LiveTextFeed instance. Passing an empty array or Live Text Feed identifiers that don’t exist will lead to an immediate empty response without an error.
