3 |
| The current media item has started playing. |
8 |
| The media item has completed playback. |
12 |
| A particular timecode has been reached. See the entry on Timecode Eventsfor more details. |
13 |
| An roAudioPlayerMxinstance has begun playback of an audio file. |
14 |
| An roAudioPlayerMx instance has completed playback of an audio file. |
15 |
| The EventTimeStamp of an roAudioPlayerMx instance has been been reached. |
16 |
| A media error has been detected. |
17 |
| A media error has been detected during roAudioPlayerMx playback. |
18 |
| The current media item has completed fading out. See the roVideoPlayer.SetFade()entry for more details. |
19 |
| |
20 |
| The FadeOutLocation of an roAudioPlayerMx instance has been reached. |
21 |
| |
25 |
| The resolution of the source video has changed. |
26 |
| The stream seems to be underflowing. This event usually indicates that the streaming latency is set too low. It will be generated every few seconds as long as underflow is detected. |